Personality styles and gender roles in young university students at Complutense University of Madrid


  • Jovana Negrete Flores Revista EXpresiones UVM


Femininity, masculinity, personality, young people, gender roles


This paper is the result of a research focused in the identification of the different styles of personality in men and women, as well as the role of gender modulator, with 301 students from several careers at Complutense University of Madrid as participants. They were used the MIPS Millon Inventory Personality Styles (Millon, 1994) and the application of the CMNI and CFNI, Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory and Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (Mahalik et al., 2003, 2005) in a Spanish people group. The CMNI was designed to evaluate, from a multidimensional perspective, the grade of compliance in men toward a set of gender norms. Most of reliability data are satisfactory and the correlation matrix between subscales confirms Mahalik's (2000) theoretical model.

As a result we find that most personality styles seem related to the compliance of certain standards both male and female, confirming the importance of using a multidimensional approach to the study of gender roles and the difference between men and women.

Author Biography

Jovana Negrete Flores, Revista EXpresiones UVM

Licenciada en Sociología, Universidad de Guadalajara; Magíster en Mujeres y Salud, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Integrante del Grupo Editorial de la Revista EXpresiones UVM.


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How to Cite

Negrete Flores, J. (2019). Personality styles and gender roles in young university students at Complutense University of Madrid. Revista Criterios, 21(1), 171–197. Retrieved from


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