Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as
a techno-pedagogical strategy for
the development of environmental
awareness in fourth-grade students of
Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
To reference this article / Cómo citar este artículo / Para citar este
artigo: Ariza-Córdoba, K. V., Oñate-Quiroz, M. y Hernández-Lazo, R. (2023).
El conocimiento ancestral arhuaco como estrategia tecnopedagógica para
el desarrollo de la conciencia ambiental en los estudiantes del grado cuarto
del Colegio La Sagrada Familia. Revista UNIMAR, 41(1), 191–211.
Reception date: January 18, 2022
Review date: May 5, 2022
Approval date: July 19, 2022
The objective of this research was to implement a techno-pedagogical strategy
based on the ancestral knowledge of the Arhuaca indigenous community, to develop
environmental awareness in fourth-grade students of the primary school ‘La
Sagrada Familia’ in the city of Valledupar. The research had a qualitative approach
and a socio-critical paradigm that allowed identifying the potential for change in
the way students perceived and related to nature. The action research method was
applied, which was developed in three phases: deconstruction, reconstruction,
and evaluation. The work unit consisted of 15 students. The results indicated that
there was a signicant change in the development of environmental awareness in
each of its dimensions. It was concluded that, although the implemented techno-
pedagogical strategy provided a great contribution to the integral formation of the
student, it is recommended to link technological tools and ancestral knowledge to
pedagogical projects, as a contribution to educational processes.
Keywords: environmental awareness; techno-pedagogical strategy; ancestral
Master in Pedagogy. Teacher at Colegio Franciscano Jiménez de Cisneros, Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia. Email: vanessadelvalle _1@hotmail.com
Master in Pedagogy. Head teacher of the Educational Institution Trujillo, Becerril, Cesar, Colombia. Email: mariaclarisoq@gmail.com
Master in Health Informatics. Educational Technology Expert. Teacher of the Universidad Mariana, Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia. Email:
An article resulting from the research entitled: ‘Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of
environmental awareness in fourth-grade students of Colegio la Sagrada Familia’, developed from March 8, 2019, to December 2, 2021,
in the municipality of Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia
El conocimiento ancestral arhuaco como estrategia
tecnopedagógica para el desarrollo de la conciencia
ambiental en los estudiantes del grado cuarto del
Colegio La Sagrada Familia
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo implementar una estrategia
tecnopedagógica basada en los conocimientos ancestrales de la comunidad
indígena arhuaca, para desarrollar conciencia ambiental en los estudiantes
del grado cuarto de la básica primaria del Colegio La Sagrada Familia de la
ciudad de Valledupar. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cualitativo y paradigma
sociocrítico, que permitió identicar el potencial de cambio en la forma cómo
percibían y se relacionaban los estudiantes con la naturaleza; se aplicó el método
de investigación acción, que se desarrolló en tres fases, a saber: deconstrucción,
reconstrucción y evaluación. La unidad de trabajo estuvo conformada por 15
estudiantes. Los resultados indicaron que hubo un signicativo cambio en el
desarrollo de conciencia ambiental en cada una de sus dimensiones. Se concluyó
que la estrategia tecnopedagógica implementada proporcionó un gran aporte a
la formación integral del estudiante. De igual forma, se recomienda vincular las
herramientas TIC y los conocimientos ancestrales a los proyectos pedagógicos
como aporte a los procesos educativos.
Palabras clave: conciencia ambiental; estrategia tecnopedagógica,
conocimientos ancestrales.
O conhecimento ancestral arhuaco como estratégia
tecnopedagógica para o desenvolvimento da
consciência ambiental em alunos da quarta série do
Colégio La Sagrada Familia
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi implementar uma estratégia tecnopedagógica
baseada no conhecimento ancestral da comunidade indígena arhuaca, para
desenvolver a consciência ambiental em alunos da quarta série da escola primária
‘La Sagrada Família’, na cidade de Valledupar. A pesquisa teve uma abordagem
qualitativa e um paradigma sociocrítico que permitiu identicar o potencial de
mudança na forma como os alunos percebem e se relacionam com a natureza. O
método de pesquisa-ação foi aplicado, desenvolvido em três fases: desconstrução,
reconstrução e avaliação. A unidade de trabalho foi composta por 15 alunos. Os
resultados indicaram que houve uma mudança signicativa no desenvolvimento
da consciência ambiental em cada uma de suas dimensões. Concluiu-se que,
embora a estratégia tecnopedagógica implementada tenha proporcionado
grande contribuição para a formação integral do aluno, recomenda-se vincular
ferramentas tecnológicas e saberes ancestrais a projetos pedagógicos, como
contribuição aos processos educativos.
Palavras-chave: conhecimento ancestral; estratégia tecnopedagógica;
conhecimento ancestral.
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
1. Introduction
In recent decades, worldwide, great concern has
arisen over the environmental crisis to which
the prevailing development model has led the
planet, which has manifested itself in multiple
problems such as climate change, the dramatic
loss of biodiversity, the reduction of available
fresh water and air pollution, as stated in the
sixth report of the United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP, 2019).
According to the report, the general state of
the environment has continued to deteriorate
around the world. Since 1880, the global mean
surface temperature has risen between 0.8 and
1.2 degrees Celsius, recording eight of the ten
warmest years on record in the past decade.
Regarding air pollution, pollution causes between
six and seven million premature deaths a year;
95% of the planet’s population lives in areas
with levels of ne particles higher than those
recommended by the World Health Organization
(WHO) (UNEP, 2019).
The protected areas do not reach sucient
percentages of terrestrial habitats, reaching only
15%; the same happens with the coastal and
marine areas, which only reach 16%; there is a
large number of species in danger of extinction,
whose percentage is found in 42% of terrestrial
invertebrates: 34% of freshwater and 25% of
marine ones. Since 1970 it has been noticed
that a large percentage of the planet’s wetlands
no longer exist, being important ecosystems
to improve climate change conditions (UNEP,
2019). Regarding the report,
‘Urgent measures on an unprecedented scale
are needed to stop and reverse this situation
and thus protect human and environmental
health’, the report concludes. The positive
side is that the measures that must be taken
are known and that they are even included
in international treaties such as the Paris
Agreement or the so-called Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). The loss of
biodiversity and air pollution must be halted,
water and resource management improved,
climate change mitigated and adapted to it,
and resources used eciently, among others.
(Planelles, 2019, para. 3)
Similarly, in Colombia, the classic model of
development is a model based primarily on
economic growth which seeks to exploit the
natural system, causing a gap in the relationship
established between human beings and nature.
According to a preview of the V National
Biodiversity Report, prepared by the Ministerio
del Medio Ambiente and the UN Development
Program (UNDP, 2014), environmental damage
is due to several ‘motors’, namely: land
exploitation, the destruction of ecosystems due
to the invasion of species that do not belong
to the environment, water pollution, which has
become a problem due to mining, livestock
farming, and other economic exercises that
prevail over environmental conservation and,
nally, climate change.
Regarding the transformation and loss of
biodiversity, the degradation of the natural
forest and deforestation continue to be
important drivers. Regarding deforestation,
the natural forest cover went from 56.5% in
1990 to 51.4% in 2010. The deforested areas
have been transformed mainly into pastures
for cattle ranching and agricultural areas,
while the deterioration of the forest is linked to
interventions in the territory, associated with
the expansion of mining, crops for illicit use, and
the extraction of tropical wood (Ministerio de
Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, Programa de
las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, 2014).
Amid this environmental crisis, laws, norms,
and decrees have been established so that
companies, natural persons, and educational
institutions found strategies for the conservation
and preservation of the environment, such as
Law 629 of 2000, “using which approves the
‘Kyoto Protocol’ of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change”, Law 23 of 1973,
“by which extraordinary powers are granted to
the President of the Republic to issue the Code of
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
and other provisions”, and Decree 1743 of 1994:
Whereby the Environmental Education
Project is instituted for all levels of formal
education, criteria are set for the promotion
of non-formal and informal environmental
education, and coordination mechanisms
are established between the Ministerio de
Educación Nacional and the Ministerio del
Medio Ambiente.
However, despite the regulatory advances in
environmental matters and the eorts made to
comply with the provisions, the outlook is not
[Some authors] such as Eschenhagen
(2007), Le (2007), Arias and López (2009),
and Noguera (2011) have pointed out that
the environmental crisis is not the crisis of
depletion of non-renewable natural resources
as the discourse has presented of sustainable
development, but rather a crisis of modern
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
culture, of the epistemology with which
Western civilization has understood being
and their environment. (Vargas, 2015, p. 21)
Therefore, it is necessary to develop processes
that recognize the diversity of knowledge
and generate an intercultural dialogue that
contributes to the creation of new knowledge,
behavior patterns, reections, and behaviors
about the environment (Vargas, 2015).
Meanwhile, indigenous communities show
a dierent way of seeing and inhabiting the
world that, in our opinion, poses an alternative
to the prevailing development model and the
transformation of the relationships that some
human beings have established with nature.
Some social groups, globally and nationally,
have proposed alternatives arising from Andean
worldviews and conceptions of life, such as
Sumak kawsay or ‘Good Living’ in Ecuador,
and Suma Qamaña or ‘Living Well’ in Bolivia,
philosophies that claim:
A vision of life in fullness, in harmony and
balance with nature, without a human being
at the center and with happiness that also
goes through a good spiritual life, far from the
industrialist [...] and predatory model, where
accumulation, competition [...], individualism
and the notion of economic value to all things
[...] are the foundations. (Niel, 2011, as cited
in Vargas, 2015, p. 24)
All indigenous peoples [...], although with
dierent denominations according to each
language, context, and form of relationship,
conceive the concept of living well, which can
be synthesized in:
‘Know how to live in harmony and balance;
in harmony with the cycles of Mother Earth,
the cosmos, life, and history, and balance with
all forms of existence in permanent respect’
(Huanacuni, 2010, as cited in Vargas, p. 25).
In Colombia, the indigenous peoples of
the Amazon refer to the concept of living
well [...] when speaking of ‘Returning to
the Maloka’, which is dened as ‘returning
to ourselves; it is to further value ancestral
knowledge, the relationship harmonious with
the environment [...]; it is to protect our
knowledge, technologies, and sacred sites;
it is not to be an individual but a collective
being [...]; it is to take advantage of what the
Western world oers without abandoning its
own social and cultural values, and practices.
(Huanacuni, 2010, as cited in Vargas, 2015,
pp. 25-26)
So, based on an intercultural proposal that has
been raised from environmental education and
the Good Living of each indigenous people,
with their knowledge and ancestral practices of
environmental protection and life in harmony
with nature, the present project seeks to
contribute to the construction of environmental
culture, through a techno-pedagogical proposal
based on Arhuaco ancestral knowledge, aimed at
developing environmental awareness in primary
school students of the La Sagrada Familia School
in Valledupar, who, despite environmental
training received, carry out polluting actions
and aggression against the fauna of the school,
which raises the need to contribute to raising
awareness about the environmental problems
we face today.
Therefore, it seeks to potentiate education
in ecological values and practices that lead
human beings to deconstruct their relationship
with nature that, until now, has generated the
deterioration of many natural ecosystems. In
this way, it is intended to generate a brotherly
relationship with Mother Earth and recognize the
damage done to nature when its resources are
contaminated or abused, against the ancestral
principles that good living and reciprocity
speak to. Likewise, it is important to generate
awareness from the experience and relationship
with Mother Earth, so that all this knowledge is
later multiplied autonomously and voluntarily by
each of the students, in whatever context where
they are.
Given the situation, the following questions
• How a techno-pedagogical strategy based on
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge would facilitate
the development of environmental awareness
in primary school children of the La Sagrada
Familia School in Valledupar?
• How to identify knowledge of the Arhuaco
worldview and their position towards nature
in them?
• How to design a techno-pedagogical strategy
based on indigenous ancestral knowledge,
so that it contributes to developing
environmental awareness in students?
• How to implement a techno-pedagogical
strategy based on knowledge of indigenous
ancestors, that contributes to developing
environmental awareness?
• How to assess the eects generated by a
techno-pedagogical strategy implemented
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
in the development of environmental
To answer these questions, the following general
objective was raised: Develop environmental
awareness through the implementation of a
techno-pedagogical strategy based on the
ancestral knowledge of the Arhuaca indigenous
community in fourth-grade students of Colegio
La Sagrada Family from the city of Valledupar.
To achieve this, specic objectives were
directly linked to the development of each of
the implemented activities, namely: Identify
the knowledge of the Arhuaco worldview and
the position towards nature in the students;
design a techno-pedagogical strategy based
on indigenous ancestral knowledge, which
contributes to developing environmental
awareness in them; implement and evaluate
this strategy.
To justify the investigation, it was taken into
account that the progressive deterioration of the
environment is one of the problems that most
aict not only Colombia, but the entire world,
and the educational sector is no stranger to this
reality since it has entrusted it with the task of
generating processes that lead to awareness
and the generation of pro-environmental values
and practices, which translates into a challenge
for educational institutions, forced to propose
strategies that contribute to conservation and
preservation environment. According to Rengifo
et al. (2012):
Today, in our Colombian society, there is a
need for an environmental education that
persists in knowledge, attitudes, behaviors,
and habits towards the environment, aimed
at making humanity change its classic
conception that nature is a passive and
complacent element, which is automatically
regenerated because it is an innite good,
always available to satisfy the whims of the
human being. (p. 3)
La Sagrada Familia de Valledupar School,
complying with the legal provisions that urge
educational institutions to generate training
processes in environmental matters, has
included dierent environmental contents in its
curriculum, developing environmental education
chairs and annually executing the Environmental
School Project (PRAE), stipulated in Decree 1743
of 1994. However, behaviors that contribute to
the environmental deterioration of the school
have been observed, such as the mistreatment
of animals and plants belonging to the fauna
and ora of the institution, and the inadequate
deposit of solid waste in the respective bins for
this purpose, especially in elementary school
Therefore, the researchers consider it important
to implement educational proposals that
strengthen the aective bond of students with
nature, through the experience of the Arhuaca
indigenous community, generating awareness
and development of values, relationships,
attitudes, and environmental behaviors. With
this purpose, the present techno-pedagogical
strategy is carried out, which, being innovative,
uses ICT tools and directly involves students
in carrying out their activities and generates
greater interest and participation for them,
which produces signicant learning.
This strategy is based on the ancestral knowledge
of the Arhuaca indigenous community, which
allows an intercultural experience that, in
addition to attracting attention and clearing
up doubts, aims to promote environmental
awareness in fourth-grade children, in the
unlearn and learn from a new relationship with
nature, so that later this learning is reected
in practice and in the daily life of each one
of them in any context. In this way, they will
become information multipliers and, with their
practice, they will set an example, generating
environmental awareness in other people, and
applying the principles of ancestral knowledge
on environmental issues.
In the investigation process, works such as that
of Arredondo et al. (2018) in the international
context were reviewed. The authors make a
comparative study in the localities of Chiapas,
Mexico, between experiences and practices of
environmental education in four rural primary
schools of formal school systems and the
alternative educational model that is practiced
within an autonomous school, through school
ethnography and the hermeneutic-dialectical
method of the constructionism. As the strategies
proposed in the ocial textbooks were not
sucient, in daily practices, teachers and external
actors carried out extracurricular activities
that take into account the environmental and
cultural context and put in direct contact the
children with elements of nature, generating
greater motivation, signicance and interest
in environmental issues and the promotion of
knowledge, appropriation, and appreciation of
Regarding the previous investigation, it is
shared that how environmental education has
been developed has not managed to promote
sucient appropriation and social responsibility
in the face of daily environmental problems; in
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
part, because the environmentalist discourse
reproduced in schools is framed in a technical and
scientic logic that makes no sense for students
and does not generate an authentic appreciation
and awareness of nature. Therefore, it is
necessary to implement alternative educational
models that arise from the dialogue of dierent
knowledge and develop interdisciplinary,
intercultural, integrative, contextualized, and
holistic pedagogical strategies, for the generation
of critical, purposeful thinking and promoter of
lifestyles in harmony with nature (Arredondo et
al., 2018).
In this way, an aspect that generates an
important contribution to current research and
that must be taken into account is that students
can have direct contact with all the elements of
nature that are part of their environment. In this
way, greater enthusiasm and links with nature
can be generated in them when carrying out the
proposed activities, which could be very positive
in generating greater environmental awareness.
At the national level, the research of Garavito
and Chaparro (2017) stands out, who carry
out a study of the projects developed at the
José Félix Restrepo IED School since 2011,
aimed at integrating ancestral knowledge in the
classroom, resorting to the presence of some
indigenous groups from the Muisca, Arawak,
Misak, Huitoto, and Ticuna communities, to
rescue their knowledge on environmental,
cultural, community, and territorial issues. The
methodological approach is part of qualitative
research and uses qualitative and descriptive
information, linked to ethnographic exploration.
This research is novel and very signicant outside
of the usual contents of the curriculum and the
traditional chair referring to the environment,
to accommodate the knowledge of the Taitas,
grandparents, and mamos of various indigenous
communities, through the power of the word and
dierent activities such as singing workshops
to water, awareness of the Pachamama,
ceremonies, word circles, eco-yoga activities,
muralism, music, and visits to empower and
recognize territories, to learn holistically about
the forms used by these groups to take care
of their territories, resources, communities,
respect for water, species, and the environment
in general.
Likewise, this experience calls on teachers
and educational institutions to promote and
generate intercultural experiences that allow not
only to contribute to environmental education,
but also to training in ethics and humanities, to
strengthen identity, based on the link with other
worldviews and relationships with nature and, to
the construction of a social fabric that favors the
senses of citizenship, by perceiving the sacred
in the experience with nature and the divine in
sharing with the ecosystem.
In this way, the contribution of this study
to current research is the promotion of
interculturality based on the experience of people
belonging to the indigenous community in the
study area: La Sagrada Familia School, where
a small percentage of students are part of this
community, whose experiences, told rst-hand,
will be a great contribution to the motivation of
other students.
In the local context, the research by Castro and
López (2019) was found, whose objective was
to promote, through environmental culture, the
saving and ecient use of water. The educational
institutions involved were the following:
Pedro Castro Monsalvo Technical Educational
Institution (INSTPECAM), Upar Educational
Institution, Alfonso López Pumarejo Educational
Institution, and CASD Educational Institution,
from the municipality of Valledupar.
The results and conclusions of this research
showed that the strategies used motivated
and transformed the habits of the educational
community by assuming new roles in favor of
caring for the river as the main source of water in
the city. In addition, specically, the technological
strategies, such as the use of software, apps,
and interactive pages, allowed the development
of critical-reexive thinking and the acquisition
of a commitment to the conservation and saving
of water.
Regarding local studies related to using ancestral
Arhuaco knowledge to develop environmental
awareness or other similar, no evidence of
current work has been found that provides bases
for the background of this research.
For a better understanding of this research work
in terms of the theories developed, the Arhuaco
ancestral knowledge was addressed. According
to the Arhuaco worldview, in the beginning,
the Mother of Origin designated each of the
peoples some commitments that make up the
Law of Origin, the sacred mandate that contains
the principles and elements that sustain the
existence and the harmony of the universe,
the which was determined by the Mother to
govern and regulate everything that exists in
the universe.
So, the Law of Origin is a set of teaching-
learning codes that inuences and directs the
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
order and functions of the communities and all
the expressions and actions within the dierent
areas of the daily and spiritual life of the peoples,
mediated and supported by the oral tradition that
is taught from their languages, at the head of the
Mamos, must be respected to guarantee social
coexistence, harmony, and balance between all
the natural components that constitute the body
of Mother Earth (Consejo Territorial de Cabildos
Gobernadores de la Sierra Nevada de Santa
Marta [CTC] and Ministerio de Cultura, 2016).
The Law of Origin is the highest standard and
basis of thought for the indigenous peoples of
the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; from there,
their Ancestral Knowledge and Wisdom System
was instituted, which cannot be understood in a
fragmented or separate manner, but rather as an
intertwined tissue that shapes the structure of a
whole, which it is holistic and comprehensive.
Therefore, ancestral knowledge is dened as the
set of ideas, principles, and norms established
from the Law of Origin, related together with
behavior, to maintain the balance and harmony
of Mother Nature. This allows them to preserve
the structure of their worldview (CTC and
Ministerio de Cultura, 2016).
They call it the Law of Origin because the Mother
dened it that way when the world only existed
in thought; this means that the materialization of
the world was determined by that original Law;
therefore, it is considered the essence and raison
d’être of all existence itself and a normative
principle, compliance with which depends on the
coexistence, harmony, and balance required for
the life of all species and/or beings in the world
and universe. Thus, for the peoples of the Sierra,
it becomes the maximum guide for all events
in life, which does not exclude any society or
human group, since it concerns the principles of
life in the universe and the forces that govern it
(CTC and Ministerio de Cultura, 2016).
Regarding environmental awareness, certain
attitudinal and behavioral aspects that are linked
to each person’s culture must be considered;
thus, Le (1998, as cited in Prada, 2013)
Faced with the current global environmental
problems and the lack of citizen commitment
to care for the environment, it has become
essential to search for strategies that
allow reection and the development of an
ecological culture to transform the relations
between man and nature, from a new
knowing, understanding, seeing, and acting,
which allows in daily life to assume attitudes
of cooperation, solidarity, and environmental
awareness. This culture is generally
understood as an awareness of the dierent
social actors and a mobilization of citizens to
protect the environment. (p. 232)
Therefore, any proposal, strategy, or process
in environmental education has the purpose of
developing environmental awareness, a term
dened as follows:
‘The set of experiences, knowledge,
perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, values,
motivations, and experiences that the
individual actively uses to solve problems
in their environment in a sustainable way’
(Adelina et al., 2012); that is, environmental
awareness is related to knowledge of the
environment, to the attitudes that we
show towards an environmental problem,
to the behaviors that we adopt, and to
the experiences that we experience in the
environment where we live. (Bravo, 2017,
pp. 47-48)
Becoming aware of our role in the environment
is the general objective of any Environmental
Education program and it should be sought to
achieve in all citizens, to ensure sustainable
development and the future of the earth.
Morachimo and Cattaneo (1999, as cited in
Bravo, 2017) express that:
Environmental awareness is determined
by the development of moral awareness
about the local environment. In this sense,
environmental awareness is understood as:
The moral-ethical level that allows you to
choose freely and critically before actions
of conservation, protection, and sustainable
use of the environment, which has been
promoted through activities that motivate
you, allow you to acquire knowledge,
facilitate experimentation, evoke your
commitment, and allow you to act on your
local environment. (p. 50)
Environmental awareness occurs in
stages that are related to the dimensions
of [environmental awareness]; that is, with
the aective, cognitive, conative, and active.
For an individual to acquire a commitment
to caring for the environment that surrounds
him, he must integrate these dimensions
of environmental awareness into his daily
actions. (Gomera, 2008, as cited in Bravo,
2017, p. 52)
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
Table 1
Environmental awareness as a tool for environmental education
Dimension Characteristics Actions
Category of information and understanding about
issues related to the environment
Ideas are discussed
Perception of the environment; Beliefs and feelings in
environmental matters
Emotions are
Willingness to adopt pro-environmental criteria in
behavior, expressing interest or predisposition to
participate in activities and contribute to improvements
Talk about attitudes
Carrying out environmentally responsible actions and
behaviors, both individually and collectively, even in
compromising or pressure situations
Show behaviors
Source: Gomera (2008, as cited in Bravo, 2017, p. 53)
“These four dimensions are similar to the phases that Morachino proposes to create environmental
awareness […]; environmental education must move from awareness to permanent voluntary
action” (Bravo, 2017, p. 53).
Table 2
Dimensions of environmental awareness
Emotions Attitudes Behaviors
Gomera, A.
Cognitive Aective Conative Active
Morachino, L.
Knowledge and
Developed capacities
and interaction
Valuation and
Voluntary action
and interaction
Source: Morachino (1999, as cited in Bravo, 2017, p. 54)
On the other hand, pedagogical strategies are all the actions or activities carried out by the teacher
to facilitate the training and the teaching-learning process of the students (Gamboa et al., 2013).
For Bravo (2008, as cited in Gamboa et al., 2013), pedagogical strategies “make up the curricular
scenarios for the organization of training activities and the interaction of the teaching and learning
process where knowledge, values, practices, procedures, and typical problems of the training eld
are achieved” (p. 103).
Likewise, pedagogical strategies are a set of activities, as already mentioned, whose purpose is to
allow teachers to meet the objectives set. In this regard, Aguirre et al. (2012) refer: “Not an action,
but a set of actions are those that are present in a pedagogical strategy, otherwise, instead of a
strategy, what you would have, is an activity” (p. 11). For this reason, students should value the
work done by teachers, since this allows them to stimulate, facilitate and promote learning.
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
A pedagogical strategy must have certain characteristics to be successful; therefore, it must be
created in such a way that it can change, taking into account the dierent circumstances that may
occur. Thus, it must be coupled with the changes in the environment, the characteristics of the
students, and the priorities of the teacher, to gradually transform, from a real state to a desired
Table 3 shows how the structure of a pedagogical strategy should be, according to the approaches
of Sierra (2007).
Table 3
Structure of a pedagogical strategy
Phases Indicators
Detection of contradictions in a given pedagogical context.
Future aspiration, highlighting the improvement of those involved in the educational
Establishment of socio-pedagogical signicance.
Accuracy of the contribution of the subjects of education and the pedagogical
reality to the objective.
Lines of action and pedagogical inuence.
Establishment of commitments and pedagogical responsibility based on their
contribution to the objective.
Establishment of the degree of the scope of the learning situation.
Synthetic expression of concept(s) or intention(s) of the interaction of the
pedagogical process that guides the actions.
Indication of the variants to raise the concept (s) or intention (s) of the direction
of the educational process.
Relationship between the components of the educational process, according to the
concept expressed.
Establishment of activities taking into account the changing context in which the
learning situation takes place.
Establishment of dierent degrees of complexity of the compensatory, dierentiated,
and/or developmental activities in the learning situation.
Establishment of the activities in correspondence with the results of the group and/
or individual pedagogical diagnosis.
Organizational structure to deploy the actions in the areas of pedagogical inuence.
Precision for the implications for the direction of the pedagogical process and for
the people who are protagonists of the pedagogical process.
Indication of monitoring and control of the previous phases.
Establishment of the feasibility of the pedagogical proposal (didactic, educational).
Incorporation of measures to promote success in the strategic behavior of students.
Source: Sierra (2007).
Regarding ICT, according to Nieblas (2016), “they are all those resources, tools, and programs used to
process, manage, and share information through various technological supports, such as computers,
mobile phones, televisions, portable audio and video players, or game consoles” (para. 1).
The incorporation of ICT into education has become a process whose implications go far beyond
the technological tools that make up the educational environment; there is talk of a didactic
construction and how signicant learning can be built and consolidated based on technology;
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
strictly pedagogical, there is talk of the use
of technology in education. (Díaz-Barriga,
2013, as cited in Hernández, 2017, p. 329)
For this reason, technological tools have become
educational resources that allow the learning
process to be improved; little by little they
are breaking with traditional practices (books
and boards), to force teachers to update their
teaching methods in the ICT role.
On the other hand, “the rise of including ICT in the
curriculum is the result of the eort to promote
motivation and innovation, as a response to
globalization” (Amante & Gómez, 2017, p. 110).
“It is dicult for the educational technology that
is used today, to generate knowledge by itself;
hence, pedagogical mediation must be immersed
in this eld along with ICT; this synergy is called
techno-pedagogical mediation” (Ramírez et al.,
2020, p. 133).
Therefore, the close relationship between
technological resources and education is
Among the benets [of ICTs] stands out
the variety of methods that can be used,
the ease of treatment, the presentation and
understanding of certain types of information,
the autonomy in the process, and the
optimization of individual work; [in addition], it
facilitates collaborative work, which broadens
the perspective of students, since it shows
them [diverse] situations, more ecient
learning, and more lasting knowledge. (García,
2006, as cited in Sánchez, 2012, p. 29)
It is precisely in the educational eld where
ICTs become important as basic tools that
contribute to quality learning, [...] serving
for the development of autonomous and
complex thinking and selective and critical
use of information translated into knowledge.
(Sánchez, 2012, pp. 30-31)
[Regarding] its design, organization,
conguration, and use to facilitate the
process, it is based on learning theories
such as Gestalt theory, Cognitivism, and
Constructivism (Leore, 2000, as cited in
Sánchez, 2012, p. 32).
The Gestalt, by studying perception and its
inuence on learning, serves as a reference
point for the virtual design of materials and
instruction, based on perception principles
such as gure-ground contrast, simplicity,
proximity, similarity, symmetry, and closure
(Ormrond, 2008). (Sánchez, 2012, p. 32)
Cognitivism, for its part, reveals the entire
set of internal or unobservable processes of
thought or reason, known as mental processes
involved in knowledge; therefore, the use
of concept maps and activation of previous
schemes and motivation can help to shape
activities within these learning environments.
(p. 33)
Similarly, constructivism contributes to the
enrichment of a virtual learning environment,
since its basic foundation is found in the
interaction with knowledge and with other
people, the active role of the student in the
learning process, the construction of meanings,
solving problems, and transferring what has
been learned to real contexts. (p. 33)
In the same way, behaviorism has not been
alien to virtual learning scenarios, since the
contributions of this approach have served
as a reference in the organization of most
traditional online courses where content
is organized by units or levels to which
the student has access and, subsequently,
responds or performs activities that allow
him/her to put into practice the knowledge
related to the online content. (p. 34)
2. Methodology
This work is framed within a critical social
paradigm whose purpose is to promote social
transformations, giving answers to specic
problems within a community, but with the
participation of its members, involving them
in the adoption of consensual decisions for
the transformation from the interior (Alvarado
& García, 2008). In response to this, it was
intended to transform the thought, attitude,
and aptitude regarding what primary school
students knew as nature, which allowed better
care for the preservation and conservation of
the environment.
The research had a qualitative approach, with
a description of the problem situation and
observations within the same community, for
which the researchers were present daily in this
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
context, being aected by the problem, seeking
a deep understanding of human behavior and
the reasons governing such behavior.
The methodological process was oriented under
a type of pedagogical-action-research design
(IAP), dened by Restrepo (2006) as follows:
an instrument that allows the teacher to
behave as a long-range learner, as a lifelong
learner, since it teaches him how to learn, how
to understand the structure of his practice,
and how to permanently and systemically
transform his pedagogical practice. (p. 97)
The importance of applying the IAP investigative
method was based on the change in current
practices in the face of environmental pedagogy,
to achieve pertinent transformations through
new didactic strategies that include ancestral
knowledge that contributes to the formation of
love for nature, bearing in mind the following:
Non-reective practice, in eect, imprisons the
teacher in a mechanical routine, with minimal
variation and creativity, whereas when that
is subjected to reection, self-criticism, and
valid reconstruction, the educator frees
himself from the routine, and in its practice,
the innovation, permanent monitoring of the
eects of the latter and the systematization
of the practice ourish as practical, eective,
and supported knowledge. (Restrepo, 2004,
as cited in Rojas, 2015, p. 22)
Thus, signicant learning in the students will be
promoted and the result of the investigation will
be more protable.
The unit of analysis was made up of 27
students of the fourth grade C of the primary
school, ranging from 8 to 10 years of age,
approximately. The work unit was made up of
15 students, of whom eight were men and seven
were girls, mostly belonging to the Vallenato
culture, from socioeconomic strata 2, 3, and 4,
understanding this as levels of basic livelihood in
economic matters in Colombia. The techniques
and instruments used to collect information
were: observation (eld diary), diagnosis and
evaluation (questionnaires), and interviews
(interview guide).
3. Results
The results respond to the questions and
objectives of the research, from the application
of techno-pedagogical strategies based on
ancestral Arhuaco knowledge, collected through
dierent strategies, techniques, and instruments
proposed in the methodological design, which
is described in each section of the stages of
the IAP method through interaction with the
mentioned students. Results of the development
of environmental awareness in the dierent
stages of the investigation will be shown.
Stage 1
The rst specic objective was executed: Identify
the knowledge of the Arhuaco worldview and its
position towards the nature of the fourth-grade
students of the Colegio La Sagrada Familia
through a diagnostic workshop. The results are
presented below.
This activity consisted of ten questions with
closed answers, applied to 15 students through
the Google Form tool:
Question 1: What are the components of
nature? 93% of the students mentioned animals,
water, plants, mountains, and rocks, while 7%,
in addition to these components, identied or
mentioned human beings as part of nature.
Question 2: How do you consider nature? 96%
of the students answered: like our mother,
who must be taken care of to guarantee the
existence and coexistence of all species and
beings in the world; 4% conceived it as a set of
elements that were created to satisfy the needs
and sustenance of the human being.
Question 3. How do you consider your dealings
with the following components of nature?
Animals: 69% of the students answered that
they treat them excellently; 27%, give them
good treatment, and 3% a regular treatment,
which is inferred as respectful treatment.
Plants: 41% indicated that they have excellent
treatment with them; 49% a good treatment,
and 10% a regular treatment, from which it can
be deduced that they treat better animals than
Question 4. When you were in face-to-
face classes at school, did you ever see your
classmates inappropriately treating the living
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
(animals, plants) and non-living (water, soil)
components of nature? 69% of the students
answered yes, while 31% answered no.
Question 5. Do you think that indigenous
people should make the most of oil and emerald
resources to increase economic gains, even if
they contaminate water sources? 100% of the
students answered that they should not prefer
the exploitation of oil and emeralds, even though
they generate economic prots. Among their
reasons, they stated that water has great value,
since it generates life, while the exploitation of
emeralds and coal contaminates water sources
and, although it generates economic prots,
causes illnesses and deaths.
Question 6. Do you consider it correct to
call ‘Mother Earth’ to Nature? 100% of the
students answered yes, attributing a sacred
and important value to it, for being the one who
cares and provides what is necessary to live;
therefore, they consider human beings to love
her and take care of her as she takes care of us;
like the Arhuaco community, they attribute to
the human being the role of protector, and not
of the owner of nature.
Question 7. Do you think we must comply
with regulations to protect nature? 93% of the
students believe that, like the Arhuaca indigenous
community, certain rules must be met to protect
nature, compared to 7% who said they did not.
Question 8. Do you consider that all animal,
vegetable, mineral, and human species come
from Mother Nature and that we are all brothers?
82% of the students considered yes, compared
to 18% who answered no.
Question 9. Do you consider that all the
components of nature -water, wind, animals,
plants, minerals, humans, etc.- are part of
a single body and that when one of them is
aected, the whole body is aected? 72% of the
students considered yes, compared to 28% who
considered no.
Question 10. Do you think we should compensate
or give back to nature for everything received?
90% of the students considered yes, compared
to 10% who said the opposite, so the concept
of reciprocity must be raised and worked on,
where it is stated that, just as we use the goods
of Mother Earth, she must be remunerated and
paid through sanitation.
Stage 2
Once the diagnostic workshop was developed
and its analysis carried out, it was possible to
observe some environmental principles related
to the Arhuaca indigenous worldview, which
should be socialized and deepened with the
students, since, despite having knowledge and
sharing positions regarding the importance
of caring for nature, the behaviors observed
and recorded in the eld diary showed certain
inconsistencies between their cognitive and
attitudinal part. In this stage, the design and
implementation of a pedagogical strategy based
on indigenous ancestral knowledge were carried
out; in this way, the second and third objectives
of this investigation were executed.
To implement the techno-pedagogical strategy,
the interview technique was used; with it,
information was collected on the Arhuaco
ancestral knowledge and the basic principles
that guide how this indigenous community
conceives and relates to nature, which allows
them for establishing harmonious relationships
with Mother Earth, such as the sacred vision of
nature, the respect, good living, and reciprocity.
The information was organized and shared with
the students through a podcast, dened as
“digital audio les, easily distributed on the web,
and that is linked to RSS syndication systems,
allowing it automatic and periodic review”
(Solano & Sánchez, 2010, p. 125).
For the realization of the podcast, named ‘An
ancestral experience with mother nature’
, the
Podnation platform was used and it was organized
into three episodes: 1) ‘Relationship with Mother
Nature’; 2) ‘Environmental reciprocity’ and, 3)
‘Environmental behavior and awareness’.
At the end of the previous process, the episodes
were shared with the students through the
platform that the school uses to implement its
academic activities, called ‘Educa Evoluciona’,
whose characteristics are very similar to those
oered by the Google Classroom platform.
Along with each episode listened to, a series
of virtual workshops was carried out on the
Quizizz and Kahoot platforms: a gamied and
interactive questionnaire for students to answer
synchronously from their electronic devices, to
Available at the following link: hps://www.podnaon.co/show/una-
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
motivate and promote the learning; likewise, generate pro-environmental commitments and actions
that would stimulate awareness about the deterioration of the environment in their surroundings
and, with it, the sense of commitment and responsibility, which will lead to actions and projects
that contribute to its care. It is important to mention that, to enter the aforementioned digital
platforms, the creator of the activity must share the entry link and a code that can be used once,
if the activity is done in real-time, as in this case; therefore, each time the questionnaires are
enabled, all the participants have to enter at the same time; the generated login code will be
dierent in each case.
After the reproduction of the podcast episodes and the solution of the workshops on the digital
platforms, another activity was carried out, also programmed through the Educa platform, which
consisted of representing nature through a drawing and, the way how we should relate to her.
Finally, the environmental proposals and the elaboration of the home garden were executed, to
develop environmental awareness in the students, by promoting and generating meeting spaces
and relationships with nature directly, experiencing the principles of care and reciprocity, which
allowed them to interact dierently with it and create fraternal bonds of aection, since they came
into contact with the natural elements of the environment, staging and putting into practice the
dierent dimensions of environmental awareness.
Stage 3
In search of the validity and credibility of the implemented techno-pedagogical strategies, an
analysis of all the information collected was carried out and an evaluation rubric was applied
taking into account all the dimensions that develop environmental awareness. In the same way,
a questionnaire was applied based on the new ecological paradigm (NEP), which allowed the
execution of the fourth and last specic objective of the investigation (see Table 4), designed and
applied through the Google Form tool. The results indicate the feelings, reactions, and attitudes of
the students regarding the care and protection of the environment, in addition to measuring the
degree of agreement or disagreement concerning the Arhuaco ancestral approaches and principles
about the importance and sacred value of the nature, as well as actions that degrade and damage
the environment globally and locally.
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
Table 4
NEP questionnaire based on the Likert scale
NEP Questionnaire
Check the option that best represents
Strongly disagree 1
In disagreement 2
Neither agree nor disagree 3
In agreement 4
Strongly agree 5
Humans were created to rule over the rest of
the natural world
The balance of nature is strong enough to
support the exploitation of natural resources
Plants and animals have as much right to exist
as human beings
Human beings are part of nature and we must
care for and protect it
Are we all responsible for the environmental
situation at a local, national, and global level,
and is it up to us to reduce environmental
damage and pollution?
At present, the global environmental situation
is very serious due to the contamination of
rivers, soil, air, etc
I think it is important that there is a recycling
program in my community since we are
contaminating the soil, the river, and the seas
I would like to participate in environmental
cleaning and awareness days since I consider
it essential to preserve the environment that
surrounds us
If there was a solid waste recycling program in
my neighborhood, I would participate
Source: Adapted from Moyano-Díaz and Palomo-Vélez (2014)
The responses to the questionnaire are described below:
Statement 1. Humans were created to rule over the rest of the natural world. 80% of the students
declared to be strongly in disagreement and 20% in disagreement.
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
Statement 2. The balance of nature is strong
enough to support the exploitation of natural
resources. 100 % declared to be strongly in
Statement 3. Plants and animals have as
much right to exist as human beings. Students
manifested in their entirety, empathy towards
plants and animals; this is evidenced by strongly
agreeing with the question statement.
Statement 4. Human beings are part of nature
and we must care for and protect it. All students
strongly agreed with this statement.
Statement 5. Are we all responsible for the
environmental situation at a local, national,
and global level, and is it up to us to reduce
environmental damage and pollution? 93%
indicated that they strongly agree with the
approach, while the remaining 7% answered
that they agreed.
Question 6. At present, the global environmental
situation is very serious due to the contamination
of rivers, soil, air, etc. 100% of the students
answered that they strongly agreed, evidencing
great concern for global environmental problems
and disapproval of polluting actions and the
damage that is generated to the entire planet.
Question 7. I think it is important that there
is a recycling program in my community since
we are contaminating the soil, the river, and the
seas. Students manifested in their entirety to be
strongly agreed with this statement.
Question 8. I would like to participate in
environmental cleaning and awareness days
since I consider it essential to preserve the
environment that surrounds us. 100% stated
that they strongly agreed; this reects a positive
attitude towards caring for the environment, a
high degree of involvement, and an attitude of
responsibility for environmental protection.
4. Discussion
Once the results were obtained, it was necessary
to analyze them to know the contributions they
generated to the research and their importance.
This was done in stages, just like how the
research was developed.
Stage 1
After analyzing the results of the diagnostic
test, some essential aspects can be highlighted:
there is a need to reinforce the conception of
nature in which the human being is conceived
as a living being belonging to it, who shares
this planet with other species and it is related
to the environment to survive, so that all the
components of nature, including human beings,
are part of the same life system, which is
interconnected and interdependent with each
If we were more aware of the fact that we are
part of nature and that we depend on it to exist,
it would be possible to assume a posture and
attitude of respect, and not one of control,
domination, and destruction. It is urgent to
generate actions that allow assuming the role of
protectors and guardians of mother nature.
Finally, it is essential to work on the concept of
interdependence or the network of life, in which
life is approached as a great network that is
interconnected, in which all its elements depend
on each other and, the actions and reactions
that it takes out in the network are like a
spider web: when a thread breaks, the spider
web begins to destroy itself. The CTC and the
Ministerio de Cultura (2016) emphasized that
the Law of Origin is closely related to behavior
to maintain balance and harmony between all
the natural components that constitute the body
of Mother Nature, which allows the structure of
their worldview to be maintained.
Stage 2
The incorporation of ICTs in the teaching process
has had a signicant impact due to their benets
being “correlated and integrated to improve
student skills” (Badía et al., 2016, as cited in
Ramírez et al., 2020, p.133). Considering this,
technological strategies are used to facilitate
the information apprehension process and thus,
once the students listened to the podcast, a test
was applied through the Quizziz and Kahoot
platforms, where the development of the
cognitive dimension was evidenced, manifested
in a signicant degree of attention and
apprehension of the knowledge and principles
of the Arhuaca community addressed in the
dierent episodes, under the following topics:
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
what is nature, why is it called mother nature,
how and under what principles should we relate
to nature, what place and role the human being
occupies within nature, what is reciprocity, how
it is practiced and how we can improve our
relationship with mother nature. This allowed
evidencing the development of the cognitive
dimension as part of environmental awareness,
according to what was stated by Prada (2013):
Environmental knowledge is a complex
process that includes the obtaining, analysis,
and systematization by the individual, of the
information coming from their environment,
social by nature; this constitutes an
important step for its understanding through
concrete actions that, in turn, inuence the
development of this knowledge. (p. 237)
In the same way, from the observation in the
dierent spaces and socialization meetings,
it was veried that the students managed to
understand the concept of nature as Mother
Earth, arguing that it could be called this way,
since all forms of life and because it provides
us with all the necessary elements to exist and
survive. Regarding the principles of care and
reciprocity, they managed to propose everyday
examples in which they can apply, according to
their contexts, activities to reduce environmental
problems and improve their relationship with her.
Regarding the aective dimension, during
the meetings and socializations, the students
showed feelings of concern about the
environmental deterioration of the planet and
the risk situation of animal and plant species,
stating that they were in favor of their care and
protection, demonstrating a signicant degree
of environmental sensitivity and adherence
to ecological values. Their position was also
reected in the dierent drawings made about
nature, in which they reect a feeling in favor of
respect and care for the environment.
The development of the conative dimension was
reected in the willingness to act personally
under the principles of care and reciprocity
of indigenous ancestral knowledge, denoting
attitudes favorable to the protection of nature
through the proposals made to recover and
improve the environment where are found,
evidencing willingness and interest in carrying
out activities for the good of the environment,
as well as a feeling of individual responsibility
in terms of caring for the environment and the
awareness of the community to which they
belong, showing themselves in favor of the
correct management of the garbage, saving
energy, caring for animals and plants, creating
a recycling program, and nes for people who
throw garbage in unauthorized places and/or
who harm animals.
When implementing the activity of the home
garden, the development of the cognitive and
active dimensions was evident, since the students
showed mastery and practice of the principles
of care and reciprocity with mother nature
when selecting the seed, preparing the land
for its planting, watering and other necessary
care for its cultivation, understanding that this
represented retribution for the plants through
oxygen and the fruits they would produce.
Likewise, they validated the meaning of plants
from the Arhuaco worldview, considering them
as sacred and important sisters, arguing that
they come from Mother Nature, just like human
beings, and that they have a fundamental role
in the web of life.
The development of this stage shows a great
relationship with the research carried out
by Ramos et al. (2011), which deals with the
transmission of traditional knowledge regarding
natural cycles such as climate, lunar and solar
cycles through the life history of Nasa indigenous
people and work with student boys and girls in
Toribio, Cauca. The authors used ethnography,
analyzed the interaction between western and
indigenous knowledge, and built an educational
proposal in which they articulated knowledge
about nature, to contribute to education in
natural sciences and environmental education,
relevant to the country’s cultural diversity.
In this way, the children were put in direct
contact with the elements of nature in the
environmental and cultural context, generating
greater motivation, signicance, and interest
in environmental issues, the promotion of
knowledge, appropriation, and appreciation
of nature. This research is an invitation for
intercultural education not only to occur in
indigenous territories but throughout the
national territory, in a dialogue of knowledge
that allows the real recognition of the “other-
other”, its cosmology, and its knowledge.
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
Under this scenario, deepening indigenous
knowledge through their real experience
generates a very signicant contribution and
agrees with the results of this study, since it
is desired, in addition to complying with the
provisions of the law regarding environmental
education, to conceive a learning that lasts over
time because when developing the lecture in a
real way or natural contexts, students will show
greater interest and participation in the activities,
which will also cause signicant learning.
Stage 3
Once the entire techno-pedagogical strategy
was implemented, an evaluation was made
to identify the contributions to the research.
Through the questionnaire, the change of the
students regarding their initial conception of
the environment was observed, they ended up
rejecting the role of dominance and property
that the human being assumed before nature,
which led them to exploit natural resources
without measuring the degree of destruction
and the damage it causes to living beings and
the environment in general. Likewise, they
managed to perceive nature as a whole, which is
interconnected, whose stability depends on the
set of relationships of all the living beings that
make it up; therefore, they are aware that if
there are overexploitation relationships, this will
upset the balance, aecting not just one part,
but the whole group.
Students took a positive attitude towards
recycling, seen as part of the solution to the
problem of pollution; thus, regarding this
approach, they showed a high willingness to
participate in recycling activities and programs,
which is evidenced by the results of the ninth
question, since in their entirety they stated that
they strongly agreed.
In this last stage, as already expressed, it was
evidenced that the sense of belonging and other
aections towards nature are generated by the
direct relationship that the students experienced
with Mother Earth, which allowed them to reect
on their environmental behavior, generating
critiques that helped them nd a solution to
the problem presented. Consequently, the
teacher must know elements and activities that
are carried out in indigenous communities, to
improve environmental education and science
teaching, as suggested by Rayas et al. (2017),
when proposing to incorporate or strengthen
the original indigenous visions about the
environment in teaching practices.
When reecting on the role of teachers
in this research, the importance of their
knowledge about the treatment that indigenous
communities have with Mother Earth is evident;
this will help in the process of generating greater
environmental awareness and ensuring that the
progress generated is not only seen as a product
of the intervention of the researchers with the
students under study but also as a generalized
process that can be expanded throughout the
institution. Therefore, working with our models
of reality and more critical models is a signicant
contribution that goes beyond the reection of
practice, the didactic and the pedagogical, in the
understanding and resolution of the social and
environmental problems of the context.
5. Conclusions
The analysis and interpretation of the results allow
for establishing conclusions related to the most
important aspects thrown in the development of
the activities, taking into account each one of
the specic objectives, which allows explaining
if it was possible to comply with what was stated
in the general objective.
From the data obtained through observation
and the applied questionnaires, it was possible
to identify the techno-pedagogical strategy
to be implemented for the development of
environmental awareness in students. This
diagnosis was adequate and satisfactory since
it facilitated to demonstrate after its application,
important information consistent with the
knowledge, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors
of the students regarding the assessment and
care of nature and the environment in which
they are located, which allowed a signicant
development of environmental awareness in
each of its dimensions.
Regarding the cognitive dimension, there were
dierent activities: application of workshops,
questionnaires, and socialization spaces
generated in the development of the techno-
pedagogical strategy; next, the implementation
of the strategy where the students demonstrated
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
the understanding and appropriation of the
Arhuaco ancestral concepts and principles
around the sacred value of nature, its integral
conception, good living, and reciprocity, which
allowed them to signify and value the nature
from another perspective, far from the utilitarian
and instrumental vision, which was essential for
them to recognize the value and importance of
relating harmoniously with all the components
of nature and thus, contribute through conscious
and daily actions, with their care and protection.
In the aective dimension, the techno-
pedagogical strategy enabled experiential
spaces where students expressed positive
feelings and emotions about nature and their
environment; they showed aection and respect
through their care approaches and actions with
the dierent natural components; likewise,
concern for the environmental deterioration of
the planet and the damage that human beings
cause, expressing being in favor of their care
and protection. This demonstrates an important
development of environmental sensitivity, a
relevant element since the dierent emotions
reected in terms of the aective processes
developed in the relationship with nature
inuence the perception of the development of
pro-environmental behaviors and actions.
Regarding the conative dimension, during the
meetings, the students showed pleasure and
willingness to participate in the dierent activities
proposed; they assumed a positive attitude
towards the possibility of acting personally
under the ancestral principles of reciprocity and
good living, thereby contributing to the care and
protection of nature. From activities such as the
creation of the garden and the elaboration of
proposals to recover and protect the environment
where they are located, they were willing and
interested, assuming favorable attitudes towards
caring for the environment through actions from
their homes and surroundings, actions such as
the proper management of garbage, recycling,
saving energy and water, and caring for animals,
plants, rivers, and ditches.
On the other hand, the application of the techno-
pedagogical strategy facilitated and fostered
in the students the development of activities
and actions for the protection and care of the
environment through the execution of their
environmental proposals, with which they put
into practice the principles of care and reciprocity
with nature, based on pro-environmental
behaviors with which they sought to contribute
to solving the environmental problems identied
in their contexts, such as cleaning days, garbage
collection, reforestation, planting, awareness
campaigns regarding the management of
garbage, care for plants and animals, waste
separation, recycling organic and inorganic
materials, creation of neighborhood committees
to care for and guide visitors on caring for the
environment, recycling solid waste, saving
energy and water, as well of the reduction in the
use of plastic and disposable bags.
Consequently, the dierent actions and
behaviors carried out by the students, allowed
the rearmation of pro-environmental concepts,
feelings, and attitudes, promoting a greater
approach, interrelation, and experiences with
nature and the environment of their context,
allowing the participation and activation of all
the dimensions that environmental awareness
integrates, since they evidenced an important
degree of reection, thought, emotions, and
attitudes of care with each pro-environmental
action carried out, as well as the protection of
the environment, which is expected to translate
into the persistence or continuity of themselves
or other environmental actions.
Finally, based on the execution of the techno-
pedagogical strategy implemented and linking
the Arhuaco ancestral knowledge to it, the
research was evaluated for the last objective.
This allows us to conclude that the strategy
enormously contributed to the integral formation
of the students since, through transversality,
they were able to generate other knowledge and
environmental reections that allowed them to
see the environmental reality critically, causing
interest and satisfaction for the learning acquired
during this experience.
Similarly, it is concluded that technological tools
(ICTs) play an important role in the application
of strategies since they generate interest
and motivation in students; in addition, the
knowledge that is transmitted is easier and they
assimilate it better.
Arhuaco ancestral knowledge as a techno-pedagogical strategy for the development of environmental awareness in fourth-
grade students of Colegio La Sagrada Familia
Keyla Vanessa Ariza Córdoba
María Claris Oñate Quiroz
Rolando Hernández Lazo
6. Recommendations
Given the results and conclusions of this study,
the researchers consider it pertinent to establish
some recommendations that give rise to new
studies related to the subject or, to continue
with the development of this one; therefore, it
is suggested:
To the teachers: link up and commit to
contributing from their work, so that current
and future generations relate in a respectful,
harmonious, and conscious way with nature;
in this way, the progressive deterioration that
human beings have caused to the environment
can be somewhat reversed, uniting the ancestral
knowledge and practices of indigenous groups,
as valuable information that oers guidance to
develop educational processes that train citizens
aware of the negative impact -individual and
collective- generated for the environment. Also,
use ICTs tools in educational projects.
To the institution: allow spaces for students to
carry out interaction activities and direct contact
with nature; for example, having a small part of
the land to implement a school garden and work
collaboratively; thus, they would practice new
values and new experiences. In the same way,
continue developing the techno-pedagogical
strategy designed and implemented in the
present study in a transversal way, linking other
subjects that are part of its curriculum, avoiding
that it remains only the responsibility of the
Natural Sciences area.
To the students: make the most of these types
of activities in which they can learn much more
about other cultures and apply and multiply
them in caring for the environment, not only at
Colegio La Sagrada Familia but throughout the
community, as a socio-environmental projection.
7. Conict of interest
The authors of this article declare not to have
any conict of interest regarding the work
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