Pedagogical aention strategies in
students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
To reference this article / Cómo citar este artículo / Para citar
este artigo: Rodríguez-Noriega, A. R., González-Roys, G. y Martínez-
Arredondo, L. E. (2023). Pedagogical attention strategies in students
with visual impairment. Revista UNIMAR, 41(1), 104–123. https://doi.
Reception date: January 19, 2022
Review date: May 9, 2022
Approval date: June 23, 2022
The objective of this research was to understand the importance of pedagogical
attention strategies in the classroom, for students with visual disabilities
in the context of educational inclusion at the Universidad Popular del Cesar,
Sabanas headquarter, Valledupar municipality. It was based on various authors:
Aguirre (2016), Arizabaleta and Ochoa (2016), Bromberg et al. (2016), Carrillo
et al. (2017), and it was developed under the qualitative approach in the
phenomenological method. A documentary review and interviews were carried
out with two students with visual disabilities and two teachers of the institution,
where the important eort of the latter was evidenced when considering all their
students in the pedagogical practice, including those with visual disabilities. It
is concluded that there is a need to train teaching sta to work competently
to achieve more important achievements in terms of educational inclusion and
pedagogy of inclusion related to disability.
Keywords: pedagogical attention strategies; visual disabilities; educational
Candidate for a Master’s in Pedagogy (Universidad Mariana); Degree in Spanish and English Language (Universidad Popular del
Cesar). Teacher (Universidad Popular del Cesar). Email: arnoldora.rodriguez@umariana.edu.co
Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Quality UBC (Mexico); Master in Management of Research and Development Projects URBE (Venezuela);
Agro industrial Engineer, UNICESAR. Research Coordinator of the Master’s program in Pedagogy, Universidad Mariana, Valledupar,
Colombia. Email: ggonzalezr@umariana.edu.co
Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Sciences URBE (Venezuela); Master in Chemistry Teaching; Specialist in Environmental Pedagogy,
Universidad Popular del Cesar; Graduate in Chemistry and Biology Education Sciences, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de
Colombia. Email: leonmartinez@umariana.edu.co
An article resulting from the research entitled: ‘Pedagogical attention strategies in students with visual disabilities’, developed from
May 2019 to November 2021, at the Universidad Popular del Cesar, Sabanas headquarter, Colombia.
Estrategias de atención pedagógica en estudiantes
con discapacidad visual
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, comprender la importancia de las
estrategias de atención pedagógica en el aula, para estudiantes con discapacidad
visual en el contexto de la inclusión educativa en la Universidad Popular del
Cesar, sede Sabanas, municipio Valledupar. La investigación se fundamentó en
diferentes autores: Aguirre (2016), Arizabaleta y Ochoa (2016), Bromberg et
al. (2016), Carrillo et al. (2017), entre otros y, se desarrolló bajo el enfoque
cualitativo en el método fenomenológico; se realizó una revisión documental, así
como entrevistas a dos estudiantes con discapacidad visual y dos docentes de la
institución en estudio, donde se evidenció el importante esfuerzo de estos últimos
al considerar en la práctica pedagógica a todos sus estudiantes, incluyendo a
aquellos con discapacidad visual. Se concluye que, existe la necesidad de formar
al personal docente para trabajar con competencia en pro del alcance de logros
más importantes en materia de inclusión educativa y pedagogía de la inclusión
relacionada con la discapacidad.
Palabras clave: estrategias de atención pedagógica; discapacidad visual;
inclusión educativa.
Estratégias pedagógicas de atenção em alunos com
deciência visual
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender a importância das estratégias de
atenção pedagógica em sala de aula para alunos com deciência visual no
contexto da inclusão educacional na Universidad Popular de Cesar, em Sabanas,
município de Valledupar. Baseou-se em diversos autores e foi desenvolvida sob
a abordagem qualitativa do método fenomenológico; foi realizada uma revisão
documental e entrevistas com dois alunos com deciência visual e dois professores
da instituição, onde cou evidenciado o importante esforço destes últimos ao
contemplar todos os seus alunos na prática pedagógica, inclusive aqueles com
deciência visual. Conclui-se que necessidade de capacitar o corpo docente
para atuar com competência para alcançar conquistas mais importantes em
termos de inclusão educacional e pedagogia da inclusão relacionada à deciência.
Palavras-chave: estratégias pedagógicas de atenção; deciência visual;
inclusão educacional.
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
1. Introduction
For some people, having one or more disabilities
means something severely adverse that partially
or totally aects their development and active
participation in everyday situations. Disability
as a condition is dened by the dictionary of
the Real Academia Española (RAE, 2021) as
the “situation of the person who, due to their
long-lasting physical [...] or mental conditions,
encounters diculties for their participation
and social inclusion” (n.p.). Thus, disability in
the particular context of this study represents
breadth and inclusiveness.
Over the years, in the educational scenario, it
has been observed that students with disabilities
have gradually assumed greater visibility in their
own spaces, both in schools and universities,
thanks to global initiatives such as the Strategy
for the United Nations for the Inclusion of
Disability (United Nations Organization [UN],
2018) in favor of accessibility, which has been
penetrating the sensitivity of governments,
institutions, organizations, and people. Although
for many this situation can be addressed from
special education, it should not be so, since
it is about building inclusion (Villa, 2017);
educational work with people with disabilities is
a task and responsibility of all educational levels
and instances.
The World Education Monitoring Report 2020
(United Nations Educational, Scientic and
Cultural Organization [UNESCO], 2020)
expresses very clearly that inclusion cannot
be limited to children and young people with
disabilities attending ordinary schools, colleges,
and universities that lack support and preparation
for it and, therefore, cannot take responsibility
for achieving inclusion, which would mean that
actions such as these, could increase experiences
of exclusion, leading to results adverse to the
objectives of inclusion proposed by educational
At the university level, the challenge for teachers
becomes more evident, since it is a training that
expects a higher level of autonomy from the
student, both in their mobility of action and in
their learning process. In this regard, Bromberg
et al. (2016) state:
No one prepared us for the urgent and
necessary opening that universities had to
assume in the face of the increasing entry
of people with disabilities into university
education. Many teachers from these
universities have found themselves helpless
in the face of ignorance about academic
coexistence and pedagogical strategies to
eciently enhance the abilities of students
with disabilities. (p. 18)
These authors reect, in written form, what
many teachers think when they assume or when
the challenge of working in the classroom with
students with disabilities is imposed on them, as
it is in most cases: they nd intuitive knowledge,
not consciously, without tools previously
considered and designed based on the real needs
of these students, often having to appeal to an
adaptation of classroom practices, in adherence
to what could be called ‘pedagogy of normality’.
The lack of understanding of the potentialities,
capacities, and possibilities that a person with
disabilities possesses still prevails, which leads
them to other ways of learning; consequently,
teachers use new ways to facilitate learning,
clinging to trying to impose what is already
known (Villa, 2017).
In the words of Villa (2017), “it seems that there
is an absolute hegemony of normality [...] that
prevents rethinking the way [how] the subjects
of education are conceived” (p. 119), assuming
them as people who are the object of teaching
and not as subjects who daily build their being.
Hence, it is necessary to constantly reect
on the teaching practice and even more so,
when it occurs amid groups of students where
there is a presence of disabling conditions,
understanding that it is not about treating them
dierently, but about developing an inclusive
practice to cover everyone in a general way,
avoiding uncomfortable situations that, on many
occasions, generate student desertion.
In the Colombian context, according to the gures
provided by the Basic and Secondary Education
Student Enrollment System (SIMAT), for the
year 2018, there were 180,743 students with
disabilities registered in schools throughout the
country, “of which only 5.4% [reached] the level
of higher education […] and only 1.7% of people
with disabilities nished university education”
(Fundación Saldarriaga Concha, 2018, para. 3).
Bermúdez et al. (2009) rearm the above and
express that the initial access to education for
people with disabilities is noticeably reduced,
decreasing more and more when the transition
is made between basic and higher education:
More than answering to an institutional
guideline, inclusion has often arisen from
teachers interested in the subject, or it is
generated as a response to the case of students
who have entered and present particular
demands for support and accompaniment to
the university. (p. 51)
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
Based on all these descriptions, as well as on
data obtained through an initial observation
carried out at the Universidad Popular del Cesar
(UPC), located in the municipality of Valledupar,
in Colombia, features of a problem related to
teacher attention and interaction are evident
in the classrooms of this higher education
institution with students with disabilities,
specically those with total visual impairment
or reduced vision. Among the possible causes,
the lack of preparation on the part of teachers
for classroom work was raised, as well as the
administrative body in its interaction with them;
likewise, the inadequate infrastructure of the
classrooms and the available resources that
the teacher uses as support in the classroom,
and so on. Consequently, each student in
these conditions faces physical, structural, and
pedagogical barriers, together with those of an
emotional and psychological nature, which hinder
the development of the educational process at
the university level and the relationships that
exist there, negatively aecting learning.
Added to this is the non-compliance with laws,
decrees, and agreements stipulated in the
Colombian national territory, such as the case of
Statutory Law 1680 of 2013, which establishes
the provisions to guarantee the full exercise of
the rights of persons with disabilities, but the
reality is very far from what is proposed and
stated on paper. Therefore, it is assumed that
a ssure in the organizational system does not
allow the adequate conguration of an inclusive
educational community. From this circumstance,
the fact of the investigation is born, which aims
to identify causes, consequences, and possible
contributions to meet latent needs in this
controversial and pressing issue.
When visually impaired students enter the
university with the aim of training and growing
personally and professionally, they face a series
of problems in the classroom. To verify this,
the Department of Inclusive Education of the
UPC provided this information: the entity has
managed some resources, certain tools, and
physical space to benet this student population,
but, despite this, most teachers do not have
adequate training to deliver appropriate care.
From the above, the following question arose:
What is the signicance of the pedagogical
attention strategies in students with visual
disabilities of the UPC, Sabanas headquarter,
in the municipality of Valledupar in attention
to the principles of equality and equity? And,
from it derived the purposes that made it
possible to guide the research process around
the general objective, related to understanding
the importance of these pedagogical attention
strategies in the classroom.
For this, in the context of this higher education
institution, it was necessary to issue the following
specic objectives:
• Recognize the principles of educational
inclusion related to people with visual
• Identify the conditions, needs, and interests
of students with visual disabilities.
• Analyze the pedagogical practices in the
teaching and learning processes for the
attention of students with visual disabilities.
• Assess the signicance of pedagogical
attention strategies for students with visual
disabilities at the Universidad Popular del
Given the need to investigate the area of
inclusive education and, especially visual
impairment, the importance, utility, and benet
that this type of study brings to the mentioned
population becomes evident, to be attended
as a notorious party and active link of the
conguration or socio-educational structure. In
addition to this purpose of inclusion of diversity,
the process of dignifying and making visible
a population minority is necessarily touched,
which constitutes an important task through its
contribution to the construction of an awareness
of equality and respect for the rights of each
human being, regardless of the dierences. The
use of each strategy and resource is called upon
to supply the critical points that make academic
life a traumatic and frustrating episode in the
training of students with disabilities, especially
in specic cases of visual impairment. Thus, it
would be contributing to the primary purpose
of pedagogical research, which touches the
bers of the social network and emerges as an
impetuous need for change in latent models and
paradigms today.
The investigative process was supported by
several studies. On the international stage,
the contributions of Ocampo (2018), Fajardo
(2017), Medina (2016), and García et al.
(2016) provide valuable data on the subject of
educational inclusion from their contexts and
point as a whole to the search and achievement
of a more integral, supportive, and fair
education. In the Colombian national scenario,
the works developed by Arizabaleta and Ochoa
(2016), Aguirre (2016), Zárate-Rueda et al.
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
(2017), Velandia et al. (2018), and Duarte et al.
(2019) allow us to notice the need to continue
investigating the educational inclusion at the
level of higher education of students with visual
disabilities, since, most of the time, they are
complex life stories, loaded with suering both
at personal, family, and social level.
After having made a tour of the categories of
the study, two major themes are highlighted:
inclusive education and pedagogical attention
for students with visual disabilities. The rst
represents the transformation and adaptation
necessary for education for all, as expressed by
UNESCO (2009):
Inclusive education is a process of
strengthening the capacity of the education
system to reach out to all learners and thus
can be understood as a key strategy to
achieve education for all (EFA). As an overall
principle, it should guide all educational
policies and practices, starting from the fact
that education is a basic human right and the
foundation for a more just and equal society.
(p. 9)
In Colombia, inclusive education is assumed
as a determining process that recognizes
the dierences in human diversity. In the
regulations, through Decree 1421 of 2017,
article, numeral 7, the Colombian
State denes inclusive education as follows:
A permanent process that recognizes,
values, and responds in a pertinent manner
to the diversity of characteristics, interests,
possibilities, and expectations of girls, boys,
adolescents, youth, and adults, whose
objective is to promote their development,
learning, and participation with same-age
peers, in a common learning environment,
without any discrimination or exclusion, and
that guarantees, within the framework of
human rights, the support and reasonable
adjustments required in their educational
process, through practices, policies, and
cultures that eliminate existing barriers in
the educational environment. (p. 5)
Considering the above, it becomes evident that
the Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN),
by presenting this document of technical,
administrative, and pedagogical indications
for inclusion, oers a normative foundation in
response to the need to work on the concept of
inclusion and to determine theoretical support
for academic work. On the other hand, it is
convenient to clarify the dierence between
educational inclusion and inclusive education,
since they are concepts that, at rst glance,
seem to have the same meaning, but they
are not. In this regard, Arizabaleta and Ochoa
(2016) state: “Inclusive education is far from
educational inclusion, by including all students
in diverse and inclusive classrooms [...], with
the support of management, administrative,
nancial, academic, and community of the
Colombian HEIs” (p. 42).
The authors clarify that educational inclusion
refers to the incorporation of a minority group
of students into the classroom and inclusive
education opens the range of opportunities for
all students, without distinction of any nature,
considering all areas and spaces that cover
education. Hence the relevance of working with
inclusive education and not with educational
inclusion, since it is a question, in the case
that occupies this research, that students with
visual disabilities are attended with the same
prerogatives as their other classmates.
Hence the relevance of working with inclusive
education and not with educational inclusion,
since it is a question, in the case that occupies this
research, that students with visual disabilities
are attended with the same prerogatives as
their other classmates.
In this way, it is interpreted that higher education
institutions in Colombia must oer students with
any type of disability, the possibility of access,
permanence, and educational quality, following
the guidelines of the inclusive higher education
policy of the MEN (2013), as a task of social
commitment, since:
By transcending the strictly academic and
curricular to focus on the very constitution
of the social, inclusive education has as its
central objective, to examine the barriers
to learning and participation typical of the
entire system. In higher education, it is not
the students who must change to access,
remain, and graduate; it is the system itself
that must be transformed to address the
richness implicit in student diversity. (p. 18)
Based on this vision, when a student reaches
higher education under the framework of
inclusive education, positive results could be
seen in the training and inclusion processes, not
only at an academic level but also at a human
and social level. However, given what is stated
in the guidelines from the observations in the
context of reality, the educational system leads
the students with disabilities to adapt to what
the institution oers them, without taking into
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
account or adapting conveniently and relevantly
to their needs.
Considering the normative guidelines, education
for disabilities under the framework of educational
inclusion must aim at students with these
conditions and take into account all aspects that
are related to it. In other words, educational
policies and the educational process, in general,
must be designed for this historically excluded
population, with similar educational needs to
those of their other peers. However, students
with disabilities must overcome barriers that
make the pedagogical training processes dicult.
Being part of a system that, operationally, does
not consider the needs of this population and
adjusts to pre-established student models,
relegates the practice of including students with
visual disabilities to a lesser level.
Regarding the subject of pedagogical attention
for students with visual disabilities, pedagogical
accompaniment is required, based on the
identication of particular situations, so that
adequate strategies can be designed that oer
signicant experiences for their learning, also
allowing adequate follow-up to the educational
process from the teaching action. Therefore, it can
be ensured that the educational practice directed
at the attention of visual disabilities involves
a constant challenge and, at the same time,
proposes the construction of specic parameters
to interact adequately in educational settings.
In the particular case of visual impairment,
pedagogical practices must respond to the needs
for access to information, comprehensiveness
in the educational environment, and equal
opportunities within reasonable adjustments to
diversity, to the point of obtaining good learning
and training outcomes. It can be ensured that a
large percentage of the information received is
derived from sight, which is an insurmountable
challenge faced by students with visual
disabilities. In this regard, Hernández et al.
(2019) state:
80% of the information we receive throughout
the day is through the visual system. When
we look at something, we not only see with
our eyes but we inspect, distinguish, identify,
and interpret everything as part of the visual
system. (p. 2)
Consequently, adequately caring for a visually
impaired student demands an ethical, moral,
professional, and human commitment, which
implies recognizing the value and importance of
knowing their needs, just as it is done with other
students. By understanding this, the teacher
commits him/herself to the student’s learning,
begins to adapt his/her practice to the particular
needs of this through a detailed study, and
congures a teaching process adapted to them.
Teachers represent an irreplaceable and
transversal role in the adequate management
of students with visual disabilities; in their
practices, they become the pillar of an adequate
direction that points towards academic-
formative growth, for which the inclusive
resources of an institution are essential in the
teaching and learning processes. Educational
work should be oriented towards breaking down
the barriers faced by this class of students
when they venture into the spheres of higher
education, where the academic requirement is
headed for the training and development of the
autonomy of a competent professional, leader in
their professional and occupational prole.
Strategies in the classroom and access to
information are essential points to manage
academic encounters with students who are blind
or have low vision, which limits their autonomy
in the learning process; this forces the teacher
to resignify his/her practices, for their benet;
so, it is pertinent that the management starts
from an approach to their particular needs
and, based on the observation and analysis of
their characteristics, provides specic supports
under the use of resources such as typhlological
ones and, in turn, a disposition by adapt their
pedagogical practices towards the needs of
students with visual impairment.
Previous considerations allow us to appreciate
the complexity of the academic work that the
attention of sight-impaired students represents.
In the sense of strategies, understanding them
as those actions that the teacher executes in their
behavior in the classroom, Andrade and Yepes
(2020) provide guidelines for their development,
determining them into two typologies: the rst,
directed at the description of visual images,
objects, and situations, bearing in mind that,
through it, the most representative features of
what is being shown are outlined; for example,
tables, charts, maps, drawings, among others;
in this way, “the description is, perhaps, one
of the most used strategies in the classroom
context to facilitate the understanding of the
subject that the teacher develops at a certain
moment” (p. 9).
The second strategy is oriented to the
verbalization of the texts that are written on
the board. At this point, the MEN urges teachers
to express and read what they are writing on
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
the board, whether they are texts, numbers,
symbols, and/or formulas. In this sense,
verbalization “is a strategy that benets, not
only students with visual disabilities but also
students who are located in the last positions
in the classroom” (Andrade & Yepes, 2020, p.
10). In the case of numerical exercises, it is
extremely important to emphasize reading, in
cases such as parentheses, announcing their
opening and closing, as well as the use of the
signs of mathematical operations.
On the other hand, Bromberg et al. (2016)
propose relying on recordings for the design
of strategies, since sight-impaired students
not only collect and store information but also
maintain attention, being able to discriminate
later with more time available, the voices and
sounds they heard in the classroom, enabling
them to be analytical and critical. These speech-
focused strategies also allow everyone to
participate, regardless of their vision capacity,
and complement the use of “tactile, information
in Braille, use of large print, high contrast, voice
synthesis programs in the computer, among
others” (p. 68). Additionally, they suggest:
Deliver in advance, as far as possible,
the program of the subject, the list of
bibliographies to consult, and the class
material. The most operative thing is to do it
in digital format so that they can read it with
the help of new technologies. (p. 71)
On another side, the signicance of promoting
proper treatment among classmates must be
addressed, since everyone’s support is required
to achieve the goals of inclusion in the classroom.
On this aspect, Luque and Luque-Rojas (2014)
propose the reection:
… on some intervention guidelines in
teaching action towards a positive classroom
climate, in personal and social interaction,
particularly with the disabled partner, based
on the acceptance of dierence, providing
collaboration and help in a cooperative, fair,
and respectful exchange with people, values
that must be shared by the entire community.
(p. 5)
Thus, teachers are called to become generators
and managers of a favorable space and healthy
coexistence, both for the growth and for the
educational training of students with visual
disabilities; this requires them to operate in a
communicative and interactive dimension that
transforms their work into something more
complex, that goes beyond action since it
constitutes an ethical and social commitment,
typical of education.
Pedagogical practices are one of the most
important parts of the educational work of the
agents who will manage or manage inclusive
classrooms […]. Practices located within the
educational and social context are those that
give a central axis to education, since from
there the steps to follow in the classroom will
be implemented, how the already established
practices will be directed, and a new paradigm
of educational inclusion [that seeks to know
the current practices under the light of
inclusion] will be transformed. (Carrillo, et al.
2017, p. 4)
As a consequence, constantly reected
pedagogical practices are needed, where the
projection and development of the classes
are based on the needs and particularities of
all students in general, especially those with
specic requirements, such as those with
visual disabilities, strategically outlining the
learning from the dierent ways of approaching
The research was framed in the interpretive
paradigm, in the phenomenological approach,
supported by three stages: descriptive,
structural, and information analysis. As data
collection techniques, participant observation
and in-depth interviews were used. The work
unit was made up of two students with visual
disabilities and two teachers linked to the UPC,
Sabanas headquarter.
2. Methodology
The development of the research was guided
by the phenomenological method, as a way
to search for knowledge in the reality of
pedagogical attention strategies in students
with visual disabilities at the UPC, Sabanas
headquarter. The investigation was focused on
understanding how social actors (teachers and
students) conceive these strategies, to know
from their own experiences, what their behavior
has been in the face of this phenomenon when
considering their experiences in the classroom.
In this sense, it was necessary to design the
investigative process through a sequence of
empirical, theoretical, and methodological
actions, typical of the interpretive paradigm
and thus, build the structures that allowed the
phenomenon to be addressed. Under this vision,
the procedure of this study was dened, adapting
the investigative work to the stages proposed
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
by Martínez (2004) for the phenomenological method, supported by Albert (2007), constituting
three stages: descriptive, structural, and analysis of the information (see Figure 1), from which
the interpretative hermeneutics of the phenomenon of pedagogical attention strategies in students
with visual disabilities of the UPC, Sabanas headquarter, emerged.
Figure 1
Graphic representation of the methodological design
Source: Adapted from Martínez (2004).
The study was developed in the educational context of the UPC, Sabanas headquarter, with the
support of the Inclusive Education Center of that institution. The data is true and is supported by
the Registry and Control databases, a department that does signicant work in terms of information
on students entering the UPC. Two students with visual disabilities and two teachers from the same
university were taken as a work unit.
To have foundations and veracity, virtual meetings were established with the students, to determine
the circumstances and situations that could be representing diculties and/or barriers to the
adequate performance of the teaching and learning processes. At the same time, the dialogue with
the teachers allowed us to know and understand the dynamics of the practices inside the classroom,
with sight-impaired students. The only criteria for their selection were: the visual disability of the
students, whether blind or low vision, their connection to the UPC, and that their participation
was spontaneous. On the part of the teachers, their direct relationship with the students, in their
academic load.
To observe and demonstrate the situations of these students in the classroom, in-depth interviews
were carried out that allowed a detailed study of how they faced educational challenges, guided by
the following categories: the conditions and needs of people with visual disabilities. The in-depth
interviews with the teachers made it possible to study the practices they used with these students,
highlighting the category ‘Pedagogical strategies for the attention of visual disabilities’.
Based on this analysis and the ndings that gradually emerged, it was possible to reect, infer,
and interpret the meanings in the continuity of the intersubjective dialogue process with the key
informants. The information extracted from the interviews with teachers and students with disabilities
was analyzed and interpreted from a thematic coding derived from the research question: “the
research problem is the social distribution of perspectives on a phenomenon or a process. The
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
underlying assumption is that dierent visions can be found in dierent social worlds or groups” (Flick,
2007, p. 201). Hence, this type of coding was used, given the characteristics of the key informants, which
are explained in the Analysis Unit.
3. Results
In this segment, the results of the application of the information-gathering techniques and
instruments presented in the previous section are collected, which allowed an in-depth analysis
of what was expressed by the key informants: teachers, and students, concerning the general
objective of this research: Understanding the importance of pedagogical attention strategies in the
classroom for students with visual disabilities, which promote equality and educational equity at
the UPC, Sabanas headquarter, Valledupar municipality.
Phenomenological investigations based on in-depth interviews seek, according to Taylor and
Bogdan (1984/1987), to explain “things from their point of view” (p. 153). This means guiding
the inquiry in the search for details about the contextual situation, which express the meanings of
situations and elements present in them, and which are of relevant interest to those who provide
the information (Emerson, as cited in Taylor & Bogdan, 1984/1987).
Under these considerations and, from an interpretive position, the analysis of the data provided by
the two students with disabilities and the two UPC teachers was carried out. These contributions
led to discovering and understanding, as a researcher, the peculiarities of the context around
pedagogical attention strategies from the perception of their social actors, to identify, in the
rst instance, the conditions, needs, and interests of these students, to analyze the pedagogical
practices in the teaching and learning processes for their attention in this institution, considering
principles of equality and equity.
For investigative purposes, the interview allowed establishing a dialogical relationship with the
visually disabled students; therefore, it was oriented by the following categories: Conditions and
Needs of sight-impaired people, from which the subcategories that are highlighted and interpreted
in Table 1 were derived.
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
Table 1
Interpretive analysis of the narratives of key informants: Students with visual impairment
Identify the conditions, needs, and interests of sight-impaired students at the Universidad Popular del Cesar
Conditions, needs, and interests of sight-impaired students
1. In your daily life in the classroom, do you consider that teachers practice principles of student inclusion?
2. What is your experience as a visually impaired student regarding the pedagogical attention strategies used by
teachers in class?
Student 1 Student 2 Thematic interpretation
1. Well, teacher, if you refer
to whether they take us into
account for class activities,
some do, not all, because
sometimes they plan activities
and it seems that they do not
remember that one does not
see because they show images
and not them describe and one
is left like this... then, we have
to tell them: Professor, please,
describe the image to me and
sometimes, it is sad to be in
that and one is left without
knowing, trying to imagine.
Other teachers support us and
describe what they are doing
on the blackboard or if they are
showing an image; in addition,
they allow recording, but not all
do that because many do not
like to be recorded.
2. The experience has been
good with those teachers who
apply the strategies because
they consider our needs and ask
us; so, this is motivating and
we feel that we are taken into
account, not only as students
but as people. However, I have
had negative experiences,
where I have felt excluded.
1. It depends; some teachers..., I
don’t know if they know the denition
of student inclusion, because their
teaching is supposed to include all of
us, regardless of whether we don’t
see or see little, or don’t listen or, we
are from other nationalities. I say this
because many come in and give their
class; if we understood, ne, and if we
did not it’s the same for them; they
pick up their things and leave, just like
that. That is, it seems that they do not
care if one does not see and if it is
dicult for us to do some activities;
I think they only limit themselves to
passing the contents, then evaluating
and, that’s it; who passed and who
failed is the same for them; do you
understand me? However, there are
others, a few, who do understand us
and care about our disability; they ask
me if the type is total or partial; they
do care and describe the contents,
and ask the classmates, to get them
involved; so, that is inclusion, because
they think of everyone, whether or not
we have a disability.
2. There has been everything: good
and bad experiences; there are
teachers who worry too much; so
much that sometimes I feel sorry for
my classmates, although most of them
don’t get upset; on the contrary, they
help the teacher and me a lot, because
the activities are carried out in such
a way that I can participate without
impediment due to my blindness,
which is total, by the way. But, as I
said before, there are other teachers
who, for example, have asked me to
make slides for an exhibition. They
forget that I don’t see. So, they tell
me: “Tell your colleagues to do them
and you expose”. Since I don’t do that,
then the note is not good; I don’t lose,
but the grade is not good because I
missed the slides. I think that teachers
should look for alternatives.
Some teachers do not know the practice
of student inclusion since they resort to
strategies and resources that do not suit the
needs of sight-impaired students; do not
care to know or understand them; much less,
for including in their practices, strategies
oriented to their requirements, according to
their condition of disability, with an inclusive
vision in the classroom. However, it cannot
be denied that there are teachers concerned
with serving these students and including
them in their pedagogical practices along
with others, since, when considering their
needs, they are taking them into account,
without any distinction. This makes it possible
to generate a classroom climate around
inclusion and equity, based on knowledge and
understanding of everyone’s needs. Although
this leads to positive experiences when there
is interest and concern on the part of the
teachers who help the students, negative
experiences are also evident, perhaps due
to a lack of adequate strategies, which leads
teachers to improvise, without having the
suitability or, simply to exclude, leading
to uncomfortable, demotivating situations
and, to desertion, since these students are
asked to develop activities such as designing
slides, for example, which they cannot do
due to their visual disability, leaving other
strategies aside such as verbal ones, for
which they would be physically capable. It
seems that teachers forget the conditions of
students with visual disabilities, by asking
them to do these inappropriate activities for
their condition or, by doing written tests for
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
In the interviews with the students, it is evident
that there are teachers who are unaware of the
practice of student inclusion since they resort to
strategies and resources that are not adapted to
the needs of those with visual disabilities. They
do not care to know or understand them, much
less to include in their practices, strategies
oriented to their requirements, according to
their condition of disability, with an inclusive
vision in the classroom. However, there are
other teachers, concerned about serving these
students and including them in their pedagogical
practices along with the others, because, when
considering their needs, they are taking them
into account as students without any distinction,
which generates a climate of inclusion and equity,
based on the knowledge and understanding of
the needs of all.
The in-depth interview addressed to the
two teachers was oriented by the category
‘Pedagogical attention strategies for the attention
of visual disabilities’. The information collected
allowed us to verify that both coincide in their
appreciation of educational inclusion, especially
about the issue of disability since they are
aware of the need to work with inclusive criteria
in their classes. This requires the participation
of the entire academic community, considering
that educational inclusion is not the task of a
single teacher, but of all university areas, to
transcend the social environment. It is observed
that they have worked intuitively, since they
have not been provided with information, much
less training, on the pedagogy of inclusion and
In the pedagogical practice for students with
visual disabilities, the teachers agreed on the
use of strategies focused on oral language:
dialogues, conversations, exhibitions, and
debates, which allow the participation not only
of these kinds of students but of all members of
the group. On the other hand, teachers, in their
intuitive work guided by their inquiries and self-
training on disability, resort to descriptions of
content and images that work on the board, as
well as collaborative teams to achieve signicant
learning, where everyone learns from each
other. They understand that inclusion in the
classroom requires the support of classmates,
which alludes to a social dimension of disability,
entrenched in values of respect, tolerance, and
empathy, typical of inclusive educational work.
From the analysis of the teaching experiences,
it is understood the clarity that these two
teachers have regarding their conceptualization
of pedagogical strategies aimed at the attention
of students with disabilities, since they assume
them from reection and knowledge of the
needs and interests of these students, to plan
appropriately and pertinently, without neglecting
the needs of others, otherwise, they would aect
the classroom climate and would not promote
inclusion but antagonism. However, from their
discursive, the lack of pedagogical training to
face situations of disability in the institution
is evident since they have seen the need to
improvise and learn, doing their work intuitively,
without a planned training that the curriculum
should provide, from where the training of the
teacher has to be implemented according to the
needs of the students.
In this scenario, teachers intuitively built
pedagogical knowledge around visual
impairment, which allowed them to develop
skills for their work, with relevance and
adaptation to the specic needs of students.
Nevertheless, the lack of pedagogical training
continues to be a weakness, since it should
not be the teacher who learns to resolve the
situation, but the curricular and administrative
instances of the university institution, who
support, understanding that it is an educational
community where situations are worked on and
resolved with the participation of all, without
The teachers coincide in recognizing the
type of attention that students with visual
disabilities require when developing activities
focused on orality; that is, attending to the
strengths that these students have, to express
themselves verbally. In this sense, they use
talks, symposiums, debates, and exhibitions, so
that those share their opinions on the contents
that are worked on in class, also relying on
descriptions of the processes, the work on the
board, and those images that they could use.
to illustrate the content. Additionally, they
allow the recording of classes so that students
with visual disabilities can have this resource
to review what was discussed in class when
they are at home, strategies that also serve all
students equally.
On the other hand, through the dialogue with
the teachers, a series of positive experiences
were veried around the pedagogical work
with students with visual disabilities, through
the joint construction of collaborative teams
based on trust, to dispel fears, which generates
benets for all. This positivity includes the
teachers’ learning, who from their work have
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
managed to create pedagogical attention strategies, considering the needs and conditions of these
students. However, there are also negative experiences due to the lack of training and preparation
to deal with this type of situation; by resorting to their intuition, they made mistakes due to
ignorance and a lack of relevant pedagogy for the care of this population.
In summary, the two teachers armed the need to be trained in a visual disability pedagogy
that allows them to acquire the necessary skills to serve this population. From their pedagogical
experiences, both resorted to the use of strategies focused on oral language, favoring dialogue
between students to work on the topics planned in the contents, as well as conversations,
symposiums, debates, and exhibitions.
Table 2
Interpretive analysis of the narratives of key informants: Teachers
Analyze the pedagogical practices in the teaching and learning processes for the attention of students with
visual disabilities at the Universidad Popular del Cesar, considering principles of equality and equity.
Strategies of pedagogical attention for the attention of the visual disability
1. In your teaching practice in the classroom, do you develop strategies that promote the inclusion of all
2. What kind of strategies do you use in the classroom with your higher education students in the subject
you teach?
3. How would you dene the pedagogical strategies aimed at serving students with disabilities?
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Thematic interpretation
1. I am aware of the need that
we teachers have to generate
actions that allow us to build
spaces for inclusion inside and
outside the classroom. It is
required that we all participate
in it, not only the teachers but
also the administrative teachers,
to work together and achieve
the goals, through community
strategies that promote the
inclusion of all...
2. Well, I always try to work
with collaborative teams, to
encourage everyone to get to
know, participate and help each
other, generating cooperative
learning. I like to hold debates
and symposiums because that
way everyone can participate,
talking to each other, as
teammates and with me, to
guide them in their academic
work. You know that, at the
level of higher education, the
student’s autonomy is sought,
in the sense that it is he who
nds the best way of learning,
according to his needs; but,
in cases of visual impairment,
they should receive more direct
support, since they require
more detailed descriptions, for
example, of what is written on
the board.
3. I could dene them as the
activities that teachers plan, in
response to the needs of people
with disabilities, considering
their needs, depending on the
type, because if it is visual, they
would require more strategies
where orality is prevalent. You
also have to take the rest of the
students into account, because
if you don’t do it that way, and
focus on helping only those with
disabilities, the others notice
and start to get uncomfortable;
thus, you are not being inclusive.
1. I could say yes, although
it is not something I have
thought of because these
cases come without warning;
that is, we are not notied
in advance and, suddenly, at
the beginning of the course,
the rst day a student enters
with any condition, be it a
disability, race, nationality
and... well, we have to move
forward and nd strategies
that help to create a climate
of inclusion.
2. Dialogue is essential for
understanding between
people and... well, I work a
lot on that: to get to know
each other, especially in the
rst classes, to promote
the construction of team
learning; I like to work like
this, in teams, but, from
the knowledge of each one;
this promotes inclusion,
camaraderie, and support
among all.
3. They are all those
pedagogical actions that
teachers develop with our
students, based on prior
planning, to attend to those
with disabilities, from an
inclusive vision. It is worth
noting that we should not
treat them dierently; that
is, make two plans and two
types of strategies because
if we do so, we would be
generating exclusion. It
is about creating working
strategies aimed at everyone
equally; that is, where
everyone can participate,
considering, of course, their
characteristics and needs,
according to their type of
It is evident that teachers are aware of the
need to be inclusive in their classrooms, but
for this, they must have the participation
of the entire academic community, since
educational inclusion is not limited to the
classroom, but must be considered in all
academic elds and transcend the social
environment. In this regard, UNESCO
(2018) states that inclusion is the task
of the educational system as a whole,
conceiving it as a key strategy to achieve
Education for All. Therefore, it must be
taken as a guiding principle, both for
policies and educational practices in the
classroom, to achieve true inclusion. It
is observed that teachers have worked
intuitively since they have not had prior
information to prepare themselves, much
less training on inclusion pedagogy.
The practice of the two teachers coincides
in terms of the use of strategies focused
on dialogue and oral language, such as
exhibitions, debates, and symposiums,
which enable the participation of all
students, including those with visual
disabilities. On the other hand, teachers
resort to descriptions of the contents that
work on the board, as well as collaborative
teams, to achieve meaningful learning,
where everyone learns from everyone. It
is interpreted that they understand that
inclusion in the classroom requires the
support of classmates, which implies a
social dimension since it is based on values
such as respect, tolerance, and empathy.
From the analysis, it can be deduced
that teachers are clear in their denition
of pedagogical strategies aimed at the
attention of students with disabilities,
since they assume them from the planning
in attention to the needs and interests of
these students, without undermining the
needs of the rest of the group. Otherwise,
they would aect the classroom climate
and would not promote inclusion. The
foregoing is based on what was stated by
Andrade and Yepes (2020), who dene the
strategies, such as those actions carried
out by the teachers in their behavior
in the classroom, aimed at people with
disabilities, an action carried out by the
interviewed teachers, some focused
on in the description and others in the
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
From the discourse of the teachers, it was
possible to infer that both agree on what
educational inclusion means, especially about
the issue of disability, since they are aware
of the need to work with inclusive criteria in
their classrooms. This requires, according to
them, the participation of the entire academic
community, taking into account that educational
inclusion is not only the task of the teacher in
the classroom but must be considered in all
university academic areas and transcend the
social environment. However, they have had
to work intuitively, since they have not been
provided with information, much less training on
the pedagogy of inclusion and disability.
4. Discussion
This section presents the discussion of the results
of the process of collection, systematization,
analysis, and investigative reection on the
lived experiences of the key informants around
the theme of pedagogical attention strategies
in sight-impaired students of the UPC, Sabanas
headquarter, a work that began from the
investigative motivation from the pedagogical
practice of the researcher, who started from an
initial observation to recognize the phenomenon
of study, from which questions arose and
derived the purposes of the study, which serve
as guiding guides for the discussion.
From the interviews with sight-impaired
students at the UPC, it was possible to show
that there are teachers who are unaware of the
principles of educational inclusion since they use
inadequate strategies and resources in regard
to their needs. This student approach diers
from what was issued by Decree 1421 of 2017,
in its article, numeral 7, where it is
Inclusive education is a permanent process
that recognizes, values, and responds
in a pertinent manner to the diversity of
characteristics, interests, possibilities, and
expectations of girls, boys, adolescents, youth,
and adults, whose objective is to promote their
development, learning, and participation with
peers of the same age, in a common learning
environment, without any discrimination or
exclusion, and, which guarantees, within
the framework of human rights, the support
and reasonable adjustments required in
their educational process, through practices,
policies, and cultures that remove existing
barriers in the educational environment. (p. 5)
It is unfortunate that, in many cases today,
some teachers do not worry about knowing or
understanding students, to develop strategies
oriented to their requirements and particular
characteristics, so that an inclusive perspective
can be built in the classroom that transcends
classmates, both inside and outside; that is,
towards the educational community and society.
This attitude or ignorance of the teachers could
be inferred from the words expressed by the key
informants (students):
If you mean, if they take us into account for
class activities, some do; not all of them,
because sometimes they plan activities and
it seems that they don’t remember that we
can’t see them, because they show images
and don’t describe them and we end up like
this... so, I have to say: teacher, please
describe the image to me and... sometimes
it’s embarrassing being in that situation and...
I stay without knowing, trying to imagine.
(ICE-1, LP 1-7)
This situation is contrary to the approaches of
Bromberg et al. (2016):
It is then a matter of assuming teaching
from an inclusive perspective, seeing it as an
opportunity and, in turn, as a strategy that
enhances functioning, which seeks to facilitate
university coexistence with students with
disabilities to break with the myths and false
diculties associated to special education,
oriented towards an inclusive pedagogy
based on logic and empathic communication
between teachers and students. (pp. 35-36)
However, the interviews with the students and
with the teachers revealed the presence of
teachers who were genuinely concerned with
meeting the needs of sight-impaired students
and with including them in the activities carried
out during the pedagogical practices together
with the other classmates. When considering
their needs, they are considering them as
human beings and as students without any
distinction due to their disability, which helps
to build a classroom climate around inclusion,
based on knowledge and understanding of the
needs of all. This is in line with what UNESCO
(2020) expresses, in that inclusion is a task of
the educational system as a whole and must be
conceived as a key strategy to achieve Education
for All, which must be taken as a guiding principle,
both for policies and educational practices in the
classroom, to achieve true inclusion; otherwise,
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
if there is no support from one of the areas, it
will not fully develop.
Despite this, the interviews with the teachers
revealed that they work intuitively on the
planning and development of pedagogical care
strategies for students with visual disabilities
since there is no information or prior training
to prepare them on inclusion pedagogy, which
allows them to face the situations of disability
that have arisen. For this reason, they have seen
the need to improvise and learn, developing their
classes spontaneously, without training from
the curriculum, an academic scenario that must
regulate and guide aspects related to teacher
training, according to the needs of the students.
students. In this regard, the ICD-2 stated:
It is not something that I have thought of,
because these cases come without warning;
that is, they do not notify us in advance; and,
suddenly, at the beginning of the course, the
rst day a student enters with any condition, a
disability, race, nationality, and... well, you have
to move forward and nd strategies that help
create a climate of inclusion. (ICD-2. LP 1-5)
Therefore, in higher education institutions,
inclusion must understand the need to recognize
disability as part of a naturally diverse world,
which must be addressed from education and
which requires teachers who are informed and
trained in a relevant way, accompanied in the
educational process, to support their work.
In this regard, Bromberg et al. (2016) state:
“Inclusive pedagogy involves understanding
that the socialization and inclusion of people
with disabilities that make up the university
community are a fundamental right” (p. 37).
The four interviewees, both students with
visual disabilities and teachers, agreed that
some teachers resort to strategies focused on
orality; that is, on spoken language, to facilitate
learning for these students. To do this, they use
descriptions of what is drawn or written on the
board or what is shown in a slide presentation,
with which sight-impaired students can keep
track of the content that is being worked on in
the classroom.
Teachers turn to activities such as exhibitions,
class debates, conversations, and symposiums,
among other strategies, which favor orality,
to express ideas, opinions, arguments, and
questions, with which not only students with
visual disabilities participate, but also the
rest of the classmates: “The teachers have
conversations and debates, which are quite
interesting because there, everyone has an
opinion on a subject and you learn a lot from
the others and the teacher when he also shares
his opinion” (ICE-1, LP 35 -37).
These arguments coincide with those issued by
Bromberg et al. (2016):
The idea is that the student can apprehend
the information given in class, access
bibliographic and infographic material, and
telecommunications, participate in work
groups, develop their skills, and demonstrate
mastery of the knowledge of the subject
to be studied, equalizing and equating
opportunities. (p. 37)
The work on spoken language is what was stated
by Andrade and Yepes (2020), who determine
two types of strategies to address situations of
visual disability in students: the rst is aimed
at the description of visual images, objects,
and situations, considering that, through this,
the most representative features of what is
being shown are outlined: tables, charts, maps,
drawings, among others. “The description is
perhaps one of the most used strategies in the
classroom context to facilitate the understanding
of the subject that the teacher develops at a
certain moment” (p. 9).
When I worked with children with total
blindness, I resorted, for example, to the
description of images that illustrate certain
contents, such as the water cycle; and I try to
be as detailed as possible; I ask the student if
he/she is imagining what I describe; and, not
only I do it; I also ask the other classmates
who can indeed see, to describe when they
use images. (ICD-1, LP 62-66)
This goes hand in hand with the second strategy
proposed by Andrade and Yepes (2020), aimed
at the verbalization of the texts that are written
on the board, using the reading of texts,
numbers, symbols, and/or formulas. In this
sense, verbalization “is a strategy that benets,
not only students with visual disabilities but also
students who are located in the last positions in
the classroom” (p. 10). In the case of numerical
exercises, it is relevant to emphasize what
is being read, in cases such as parentheses,
announcing their opening and closing, as well
as the use of signs in mathematical operations.
It is worth noting the coincidence of the
interviewed teachers when applying strategies
mediated by collaborative work teams, whose
orientation is the support of all towards all
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
for the achievement of the objectives and the
development of the activities, also centered on
the dialogue between classmates, considering
all equally, as a center of teaching and learning,
by organizing debates, talks and presentations
of topics by teams. In this way, “I intuitively
told myself: if he can’t see, he can hear, so I
decided to work with activities that involved
oral language, such as class presentations and
conversations” (ICD-2, LP 31-33).
The foregoing is complemented by what is stated
by the ICD-1:
Look, you have denitively to work with
strategies focused on dialogue, exhibitions,
symposiums, debates, and conversations,
which allow students with visual disabilities
to use spoken language to interact with their
peers and with the teacher; this also benets
other classmates because it is easier to express
and exchange opinions, and questions;
this gives everyone a greater capacity for
expression, improves their vocabulary and
the way they deal with other people, which, in
the professional eld, is highly valued. (ICD-
1, LP 86-92)
These results coincide with what was issued by
Andrade and Yepes (2020):
The strategies that facilitate the teaching-
learning processes of blind students and/or
with irreversible low vision are the same as
those applied to their peers without visual
impairment; the dierence is that many of
these must be adjusted to the requirements
and particularities of each person, given their
condition of total blindness or irreversible low
vision. (p. 7)
Additionally, Bromber et al. (2016) suggest that,
at the beginning of the classes, the planning
with the subject program, the bibliography to
be consulted, and, if possible, the class material
should be given to the students so that they can
be prepared in advance of the course each class.
These and other actions are executed by the
ICD1 and, it is evidenced when he expresses:
Now, before the start of classes, I try to
nd out if I have enrolled a student with
a disability, whatever it may be so that I
can reect and plan. I present the plan to
everyone and ask them if they agree with
the proposed strategies; sometimes they
give me suggestions for changes and, if I
consider them pertinent, I do them. The idea
is to serve everyone, whether they have a
disability or not. (ICD-1, LP 45-49)
The teachers interviewed also stated that they
allow voice recordings during their classes, with
which both students with visual disabilities and
the rest of their classmates have the opportunity
to use this resource to review classes and
academic conversations around the topics
discussed in the classroom. On this, Bromberg
et al. (2016) express that students with visual
disabilities not only collect and store information
in this way, but it also allows them to maintain
attention, being able to later discriminate with
greater availability of time, the voices and sounds
they heard in the classroom. In this sense, the
ICD-2 and ICE-2 commented:
I also allow them to record the classes, so
that they can listen to them carefully at
home later. This has been a great help, both
for those who have a visual disability and
for their classmates, because they can also
record and review. It helps me as a teacher
because I don’t have to repeat so much, I can
progress better and, well, I learn to speak
carefully and to be more descriptive. (ICD-2,
LP 43-48)
In the latest expressions, this informant
described the use of other learning resources,
to which he and some teachers turn to support
their educational process: Internet and digital
applications designed especially for people with
visual disabilities, which can be used on devices
mobiles; this allows complementing the use of
“tactile resources, information in braille, use of
macro types, high contrasts, voice synthesis
programs on the computer, among others”
(Bromberg et al., 2016, p. 68).
ICE-1 stated: “I use Braille, but of course, that is
already a resource that I must look for: books in
Braille or digital reading and audio formats” (LP
40-45). This allows us to infer the responsibility
that these students assume for their learning
process, not leaving everything in the hands
of the teachers. On this, ICE-2 agrees when he
expresses: “I think that it is a matter of attitude;
we, people with disabilities, whatever it may be,
can help teachers understand each other and
work together, but both parties must have the
necessary attitude and disposition” (LP, 58-60).
Discursive analysis with visually impaired
students allowed us to verify that the experiences
focused on orality, such as activities and events
inside and outside the classroom, have been
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
very satisfying since they feel that they are
taken into account and are not excluded by
their condition; on the contrary, they have been
participants and actors with responsibility within
the group activities that they have developed.
These actions make it possible to strengthen
both cognitive and procedural knowledge as
well as attitudinal and coexistence knowledge,
raising their self-esteem and motivation.
Although their condition of disability may be
obligatory to accept for some, they know that
they can contribute and oer from their learning
and value as human beings, in a social and
educational environment.
Based on what is stated by the dictionary of the
Real Academia Española (RAE, 2014), these
elements are implicit in the eld of Typhology, a
science that studies the conditions and problems
that surround people with visual disabilities,
to develop solutions that allow achieving their
inclusion and educational, labor, social, and
cultural integration.
The interviewed teachers, for their part, manifest
positive achievements, but they also recognize
that there is still a long way to go on the issue
of educational inclusion, and with people with
visual disabilities; in this regard, they refer
Well, they have been satisfactory
achievements, because I have tried to adapt
to their requirements and work with them;
when they are not understood, it is thought
that they are the ones who must adapt to
the system. It is not about treating them
dierently, because that way there is no
inclusion; it is about understanding them and
working for all of them. (ICD-1, LP 75-83)
These results are related to what was argued by
Carrillo et al. (2017):
Pedagogical practices are one of the most
important parts of the educational work of the
agents who will manage or manage inclusive
classrooms […]. Practices located within the
educational and social context are those that
give a central axis to education, since from
there, the steps to follow in the classroom
will be implemented, and how the already
established practices will be addressed
and transformed into a new paradigm of
educational inclusion since it seeks to know
the current practices in an inclusive light.
(pp. 3-4).
Previous expressions show the importance of
accompanying pedagogical strategies with a
favorable, motivating, and stimulating climate
for learning in the classroom, which generates
in students with visual disabilities and their
classmates, the desire to share their positive
experiences and, therefore, with the teacher
who promotes them.
Despite the diculties that students with visual
disabilities have encountered to enter and
continue in university education, they have
indeed had the support, rst, of family members
and second, from some teachers and fellow
students, which is in line with what was issued
by Bromberg et al. (2016), who propose, for the
design of strategies, relying on recordings, since
students with visual disabilities not only collect
and store information in this way, but it allows
them to maintain attention, being able to later
discriminate with greater availability of time the
voices and sounds that occur in the classroom,
enabling them to be analytical and critical of
what is heard.
5. Conclusions
For the rst objective, aimed at recognizing the
principles of educational inclusion related to
people with disabilities at the UPC, we worked
with the data from the documentary review that
allowed, on the one hand, to build the state-
of-the-art on the subject of pedagogical care in
students with visual disabilities with inclusion
criteria and, on the other hand, deepen the
concepts related to inclusive education and
inclusive pedagogy. The latter was assumed as
the set of actions managed by the teacher to
facilitate signicant learning in their students,
based on the recognition of the needs of students
or people with disabilities.
It is highlighted that inclusion does not imply
that traditionally excluded students are the ones
who “should enter” an educational system, but
that it is this system that must be designed to
cover everyone, without any distinction; much
less, due to a physical condition. Rather, it is
the educational system as a whole, which must
carry out constant research and the design of
pedagogical attention strategies, which arise
from the continuous consultation with all its
students; even more so, of those who require
more specic attention, as in the case of people
with total blindness or diminished vision.
On the other hand, the results of the teachers’
discourse led us to think that there is little
knowledge about the pedagogical approach to
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
attention to visual disabilities, since, in general
terms, they stated that they work intuitively,
by trial and error, since they have not been
trained in an inclusive pedagogy for attention
to disabilities. Therefore, the institution studied
and some teachers are leaving aside in their
academic work, strategies of great value that
make it possible to pursue studies of students
with visual disabilities within the level of
university education.
Regarding the second specic objective,
aimed at identifying the conditions, needs,
and interests of sight-impaired students at
the UPC, the teachers interviewed, through
academic work, have given themselves the
task of inquiring about the needs and interests
of these students, coming to realize that their
needs not only have to do with the cognitive
and the procedural but a lot with the attitude
from the teacher towards them. That is to say,
the strategies of pedagogical attention toward
students with visual disabilities must start from
their design and planning; rst, the recognition
of the need to work with inclusion criteria and
values such as respect for diversity, tolerance,
and acceptance of the other, together with the
consideration of dierent learning rhythms and
styles. This, if taken to a general plane, is not far
from the attention that a teacher should have in
the direction of any of his/her students, without
making any kind of distinction.
In the case of the teachers interviewed, they give
importance to working with orality, nding that,
through strategies focused on dialogue among
all, they reach all their students in a better way.
To do this, they have had to work intuitively,
without specic training that allows them to
investigate formally and competently, but rather,
through their genius and teaching experience,
they have been overcoming diculties, asking
their students, keeping constant communication,
and promoting it in all the students, to know
the needs of all, whether or not they have a
disability, because it is not about leaving other
students aside.
In this sense, for students with visual disabilities,
it is valuable that teachers consult them about
their needs and abilities, to plan and execute
strategies that include them all. In addition,
generating activities that imply not only sharing
knowledge but also motivation and raising
self-esteem, in a context of diversity, where
the construction of spaces for understanding,
inclusion, and participation of all is necessary.
Regarding the objective of analyzing pedagogical
practices in the teaching and learning processes
for the attention of students with visual
disabilities at the UPC, the conclusions pointed
to the importance that both teachers and
students with disabilities attach to pedagogical
strategies mediated by orality. Thus, resorting
to oral presentations, symposiums, interviews,
debates, and conversations to work on the topics
and the class contents are highly privileged by
all the informants, since, in orality, students
with visual disabilities nd a competence that
they can develop to communicate with the
world. For this, they resort to voice recordings,
which are allowed by the teachers in the classes,
and constitute a resource for the review and
understanding of the theme worked on in class.
In this way, it was evidenced that some of the
teachers are prone to the topic of inclusion
and, with it, to work with strategies that enable
students with visual disabilities to live signicant
learning experiences together with their other
classmates, since the teachers gain a foothold
in collaborative teamwork, descriptions, and
activities centered on spoken language.
For their part, students with visual disabilities
recognized the interest and work of some
teachers who have certainly made an eort to
know and understand their needs and limitations,
to turn them into strengths through oral
expression, strengths that manifest themselves
in participation in face-to-face and digital
events, with quite signicant and satisfactory
achievements, both from the point of view of
sharing knowledge and from the emotional
perspective of students and teachers, who feel
that they are on a positive path.
This allowed us to assess the signicance of the
pedagogical attention strategies for students with
visual disabilities at the UPC, understanding and
conrming that pedagogical practices must have
their starting point in their needs, strengths,
weaknesses, and motivational interests, which
together, will facilitate the achievement of
educational objectives and the satisfaction of
the educational community.
In this way, the signicance of the strategies
is given by the level of achievement made by
students in their academic life; therefore, it can
be concluded that the eort of teachers to carry
out their pedagogical practice by considering
all their students, including those with visual
disabilities, has been of great relevance,
Pedagogical aention strategies in students with visual impairment
Arnoldo Rafael Rodríguez Noriega
Gustavo Adolfo González Roys
Leonardo Enrique Martínez Arredondo
although there is still a long way to go. Training,
motivation, and professional competence of all
teaching sta are required to achieve greater
results in educational inclusion and disability-
related pedagogy of inclusion.
6. Conict of interest
The authors of this article declare not to have
any conict of interest regarding the work
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Gustavo Adolfo González Roys and Leonardo
Enrique Martínez Arredondo: Writing of the
introduction, the methodology, the results, and
review of the bibliographical references.