
Editorial UNIMAR

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  • Revista UNIMAR

    The Revista UNIMAR is an open-access scientific journal, which is part of the Social Sciences and the area of Education with an emphasis on pedagogy. It is edited by Editorial UNIMAR of the Universidad Mariana, Colombia, and is aimed at researchers, academics, authors, and readers, both national and international. Its periodicity is semi-annual. Its purpose is the publication and dissemination of articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, mainly in the following types: a) research; b) reflection; c) review; and (d) short articles. The costs of the editorial processes and procedures are assumed by the publishing entity.

    Full title: Revista UNIMAR

    Short title: Rev. Unimar

    ISSN-L: 0120-4327  

    ISSN Online: 2216-0116

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31948/Rev.unimar

    Periodicity: semi-annual

    Responsible entity: Editorial UNIMAR, Universidad Mariana

    Creation date: 1982

  • Revista Criterios

    Criterios Magazine is an open access scientific journal, covering all areas of knowledge, since its multidisciplinary nature has so estimated. It is edited by the Editorial UNIMAR of Universidad Mariana, Nariño, Colombia, and is aimed at researchers, academics, authors and readers, both national and international. Its periodicity is biannual. Its purpose is the publication and dissemination of articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese, mainly in the following typologies: a) research; b) reflection; c) review; and (d) short articles. The costs of the editorial processes and procedures are assumed by the publishing entity.

    ISSN Print: 0121-8670

    ISSN Online: 2256-1161

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31948/rev.criterios

  • Fedumar Pedagogí­a y Educación

    Fedumar Pedagogía y Educación magazine is aimed at the diverse communities of specialists, researchers, academics, authors, readers and others, both national and international, scholars in the areas of pedagogy and education.

    ISSN Electronic: 2390-0962

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31948/fedumar   

  • Excelsium Scientia: Revista Internacional de Investigación

    The Revista Excelsium Scientia: Revista Internacional de Investigación of Research is attached to the Faculty of Health of the Universidad Mariana (Nariño, Colombia), is a means of dissemination and visibility of different scenarios where the generation of new knowledge is generated.

    ISSN: 2539-0724 - ISSN electrónico: 2619-1679

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31948/RevExcelsium

  • Revista Biumar

    The Revista BIUMAR emerges as an initiative of the work team of the Vicerrectoría de Desarrollo Humano Integral and more properly of the research group called Welfare and Human Development. A young multidisciplinary group that seeks to project itself in the research field in coherence with the guiding principle of university welfare that is human development.

    ISSN 2539-0716ISSN Electrónico 2619-1660

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31948/Biumar

    Periodicity: Annual

    Responsible entity: Editorial UNIMAR - Universidad Mariana

    Creation date: 2018

  • Travesía Emprendedora

    La revista Travesía EMPRENDEDORA es un medio de divulgación del conocimiento editada por la Unidad de Emprendimiento y publicada por la Editorial UNIMAR de la Universidad Mariana. Su objetivo principal es dar a conocer el trabajo realizado por estudiantes, egresados y docentes en relación al tema de emprendimiento e innovación que se desprende de la actividad académica y educativa a través de ensayos o artículos de reflexión. Es una publicación semestral y los costos de los procesos y procedimientos editoriales son asumidos por la entidad editora.

    Título completo: Travesía EMPRENDEDORA

    Título abreviado: traves. emprend.

    ISSN En línea2539-0376

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31948/travesiaemprendedora

    Periodicidad: semestral.

    Entidad responsable: Unidad de Emprendimiento y Editorial UNIMAR, Universidad Mariana.

    Fecha de creación: 2017


  • Boletí­n Informativo CEI

    The CEI Newsletter is one of the main means of dissemination of knowledge offered by the Mariana University, its main objective is to inform about the institution's being and work in the academic, scientific, research, educational, pedagogical, technological, social, cultural, among others; It is a four-monthly publication, which replaces the old CIP.

    ISSN: 2389-7910 - e-ISSN: 2389-8127

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31948/BoletininformativoCEI   

    Periodicity: quarterly.

    Responsible entity: Editorial UNIMAR, Universidad Mariana.

    Creation date: 2014

  • Revista Horizontes Literario

    Horizontes Literario magazine is a means of literary dissemination offered by the Department of Humanities of the Universidad Mariana; its main objective is to promote the literary creation of stories, short stories, mini fictions, poetry, and essays (literature, literary criticism, literary aesthetics, philosophy of literature, language, and literature, literature, and education). It is an annual publication.