Voice recognition for literacy within the framework of inclusion


  • Blanca Yanneth Revelo Quiroga Institución Educativa Municipal Morasurco




literacy, inclusion, global methodologies, educational software and hardware.


The research seeks to analyze information collected about the literacy process of a tenth grade student, who has a medical diagnosis of moderate mental retardation, enrolled in a public rural educational institution in the city of Pasto, through the use of digital educational resources of free use and available on the internet and the design and development of software and hardware taking into account the global method, this process began in 2023, however has antecedents in the year 2022, to develop this research the qualitative paradigm and the case of study is the research method are used  case; the results obtained are partial and have demonstrated the advantages of using new technological trends in education.

Author Biography

Blanca Yanneth Revelo Quiroga, Institución Educativa Municipal Morasurco

Estudiante del doctora en Pedagogía; Magister en comunicación educativa; profesora de la Institución Educativa Municipal Morasurco, Nariño, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Revelo Quiroga, B. Y. (2023). Voice recognition for literacy within the framework of inclusion. Fedumar Pedagogí­a Y Educación, 10(1), 96–101. https://doi.org/10.31948/rev.fedumar10-1.art-8


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