La calistenia, una estrategia fundamental para disminuir el sedentarismo en los estudiantes de la I.E.M. Liceo José Félix Jiménez sede Madre Caridad grado cuarto




calistenia, capacidades fisicas, fuerza, resistencia, flexibilidad


The main objective of the research project was to use calisthenics as a fundamental strategy to reduce sedentary lifestyles in the students of the José Félix Jiménez municipal educational institution at the madre caridad headquarters, therefore, it is proposed to identify the physical, emotional and social factors that cause sedentary lifestyles in this population, in order to design and implement calisthenics as a pedagogical strategy. It was through a qualitative study with a social critical approach supported by a type of action research (AI), applied to 30 elementary school students (15 boys and 15 girls). In addition, information gathering techniques such as participant observation was taken into account; and as instruments: the pedagogical diary. The results obtained show an institution with a certain number of sedentary students, with whom a process of physical activities is being carried out, but there is a need to implement certain training for teachers that will allow them to receive adequate training to encourage the practice of exercise with a view to continuous improvement in the teaching and/or learning process of the institution. Also, it should be noted that the strategy achieved a positive impact favoring physical, emotional and competitive development, awakening the sporting spirit and thus contributing to an improved quality of life.


Author Biographies

Julián David Burbano Palacios

Universidad Mariana. Licenciado en Educación Básica Primaria.

Estefanny Melissa Bravo Belalcázar

Universidad Mariana. Licenciada en Educación Básica Primaria.

Ángela Gabriela Segura Pabón

Universidad Mariana. Licenciada en Educación Básica Primaria.

Maria Victoria Villacrez Oliva, Universidad Mariana

Magíster en Pedagogía, Universidad Mariana. Licenciada en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental, Universidad de Nariño. Asesora de la investigación.


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How to Cite

Burbano Palacios, J. D., Bravo Belalcázar, E. M., Segura Pabón, Ángela G., & Villacrez Oliva, M. V. (2023). La calistenia, una estrategia fundamental para disminuir el sedentarismo en los estudiantes de la I.E.M. Liceo José Félix Jiménez sede Madre Caridad grado cuarto. Fedumar Pedagogí­a Y Educación, 10(1), 79–95.


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