About the Journal

The journal Fedumar Pedagogía y Educación is aimed at the various communities of specialists, researchers, academics, authors, readers and others, both national and international, scholars in the areas of pedagogy and education. The journal Fedumar Pedagogía y Educación has an annual periodicity, which directs its essential function to the publication of original and unpublished articles resulting from research as follows: research article, manuscript that presents in detail, the original results of research, which is structured as follows: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions-; reflection - manuscript that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources-; or review - manuscript resulting from a completed research where the results of published or unpublished research on a field in science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Likewise, the journal accepts reviews and reflections, oriented to the Colombian, Latin American and world educational and pedagogical phenomenon; it also accepts any type of pictorial, photographic or literary contribution, as long as it complies with the thematic and quality criteria established by the publication.

Open Access Policy

The journal Fedumar Pedagogía y Educación of the Universidad Mariana is an open access publication, so that it can be viewed and downloaded from the Open Journal System platform (OJS - http://editorial.umariana.edu.co/revistas/index.php/travesiaemprendedora) in PDF format, whose purpose is to contribute to the generation, dissemination, transfer and diffusion of new knowledge.

Free publication

Participation in the calls for papers is free of charge for the authors, as well as for their publication.