Didactics of oral narration to strengthen the oral expression of first semester students at Universidad Mariana


  • Juan Pablo Rivera Revelo




didactics, oral expression, oral narration, orality, public


This proposal investigates the didactic dimension in the strengthening of oral expression in first semester students of the Universidad Mariana. In addition, it describes the communicative attitudes and behaviors of the students in relation to oral expression. Understanding these attitudes allows focusing a didactic proposal that enables them to overcome some fears and improve oral communication skills in educational processes and in spaces where they need to communicate in public at the university.

The collection and classification of the information is based on the observation of the forms of expression of the students, through direct observation, Likert scale, focus group, and interviews, activities carried out to obtain precise information that will help formulate an experimental workshop of oral narrative and thus contribute to the development of their oral expression in public.

Author Biography

Juan Pablo Rivera Revelo

Correo: jprivera@umariana.edu.co


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How to Cite

Rivera Revelo, J. P. (2023). Didactics of oral narration to strengthen the oral expression of first semester students at Universidad Mariana. Revista Biumar, 7(1), 31–47. https://doi.org/10.31948/Biumar7-1-art3


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