Occupational Therapy Coverage in the practice of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute of the city of Pasto, 2016-2020





Occupational Therapy;, self-care, well-being, rehabilitation, resocialization


Occupational Therapy is a discipline in the Health area, responsible for taking care of the well-being of patients or users, from an occupational component and its relationship with the environment, that contributes to benefit performance in self-care activities, cultivating the maximum individual potential of the person who has difficulties to execute a series of activities with respect to what is expected or, according to what the context in which he or she is working demands of him or her.

Author Biography

Omar Jurado García

Docente Asesor de la práctica formativa en el Área de Justicia –INPEC–.


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How to Cite

Jurado García, O. (2021). Occupational Therapy Coverage in the practice of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute of the city of Pasto, 2016-2020. Revista Biumar, 5(1), 33–43. https://doi.org/10.31948/BIUMAR5-1-art4


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