Systematization of a significant experience of professional practice in intervention with an undocumented immigrant family residing in the United States


  • Nora Fátima Guerrero Ibarra
  • Carlos Andrés Martínez Marriaga
  • Kelly Yineth Pérez Enríquez



Significant experience, professional practice, intervention, immigrant family, undocumented, residing


The present process of systematization of a significant experience of professional practice in the intervention with an undocumented immigrant family residing in the United States was carried out under the parameters of the qualitative paradigm and with an interpretive approach, for which it was important to implement autobiography as a collection technique of information, applied to two professionals: a social worker and a priest, who developed their professional intervention with an immigrant family group from El Salvador and resident in the United States. Through this experience, it was possible to position the role played by these areas of knowledge in social problems related to the migratory phenomenon. Likewise, it allowed taking experiences for future situations, where the relevance in the intervention is guaranteed, based on scientific criteria that make it possible to open spaces for articulation between professional practice and institutional management and, in this way, optimize the results in processes of this nature.

Author Biographies

Nora Fátima Guerrero Ibarra

Trabajadora Social.

Carlos Andrés Martínez Marriaga


Kelly Yineth Pérez Enríquez

Trabajadora Social.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Ibarra, N. F., Martínez Marriaga, C. A., & Pérez Enríquez, K. Y. (2021). Systematization of a significant experience of professional practice in intervention with an undocumented immigrant family residing in the United States. Revista Biumar, 5(1), 23–32.


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