Systematization of experience. School adjustment problems


  • Geraldine Stephania Trejo López



Systematization, boarding, behaviour, strenghness, family speciality, social work


This systematization describes the approach from the perspective of the family and social work specialty, developed with a ten-year-old boy, a primary school student in the city of Pasto, with the aim of supporting the improvement of behavior at an educational and family level.
As the systematization progressed, the strengthening of intra-family relationships was visible; with the use of appropriate tools to address the needs of the child and the family, we could achieve favorable changes that contributed to the improvement of trust and, therefore, the behavior, responding to the objective of understanding the results achieved from the intervention developed by Social Work, in the case of the child’s school adaptation, for which a methodology was implemented that allowed the understanding of the systematization carried out with the family system with school adjustment problems. Through a qualitative paradigm, it was possible to provide the necessary and pertinent tools for the intervention; A hermeneutical approach was used accompanied by information gathering techniques such as autobiography and semi-structured surveys that supported the research and intervention, enabling interpretation, analysis, and reflection on the intervention process carried out from the Social Work area to this family system.


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How to Cite

Trejo López, G. S. (2021). Systematization of experience. School adjustment problems. Revista Biumar, 5(1), 10–15.


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