Intervention and preventive action in a case of domestic violence


  • Gloria Constanza Arjona Serrano
  • Anjie Lizeth Gasca Cerquera
  • Sandy Shirley Pabón Rodríguez



victim; domestic violence; Family Commissariat; Attention Path; intervention; psychology


Unfortunately, the growth of interfamily violence with multidimensional causes in Colombian homes places women and children as the most vulnerable to being affected on a social, emotional, academic and labor level. On the one hand, this increase has generated care and intervention mechanisms and, on the other, the reinforcement of prevention measures from the entities in charge. This article aims to address this issue from a qualitative perspective of intervention and preventive action, for which it relied on the analysis and interpretation of the results of a case of domestic violence, an objective and reflective exercise in which it was possible to analyze, on the one hand, the actions of the professionals of the interdisciplinary team of the Family Police Station and on the other, generate reflections not only on the intervention and action system, but on the role that each professional performs.

Author Biography

Sandy Shirley Pabón Rodríguez

Candidatas a Especialistas en Familia, Universidad Mariana.


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How to Cite

Arjona Serrano, G. C., Gasca Cerquera, A. L., & Pabón Rodríguez, S. S. (2020). Intervention and preventive action in a case of domestic violence. Revista Biumar, 4(1), 218–229.


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