A systematization of psychosocial experience in: Family care, family psychoeducation, support networks





systematization of experiences, inter-institutional connection, contribution of the program to relatives, acceptance of the protocol, sychosocial approach of an interdisciplinary team


The purpose of this investigation was to provide a psychosocial accompaniment to the relatives of the deceased soldier who is active in the military forces in a comprehensive way, to handle grief over the loss of a loved one and the new functionality of the home without his presence, so it is important to keep family psychoeducation in mind. For this, the interdisciplinary team of the institution participated (psychology, social worker, chaplain, military man in charge of the welfare process of the military unit and the activation of the inter-institutional and family support network).

The systematization experience was carried out in March 2019, with the death of a military personnel in a critical public order area in the Colombian Pacific region, accompanying protocols being activated through three moments or times of intervention: Moment 1, Attention before and during the funeral, structured for the accompaniment, from the knowledge of the news of the death in the military unit to the funerals carried out. Moment 2. Follow-up to the relatives of the deceased after the funeral. Moment 3. Third follow-up divided into two parts: an initial one where telephone contact was made the third month of the funeral; the second part of this last moment was the face-to-face visit, for a single grief management session.

The methodology was framed from a qualitative methodological paradigm, following an interpretative approach and its type was systematization of experiences. The results allow us to assess the relevance of the military institution to deal with the events since the death of the military and the timely attention to the relatives in the care of mourning and the interdisciplinary management that occurs in the middle of the process, allowing a psychoeducation to the family that shows a new adaptation to the loss of the loved one.

Author Biographies

Astrid Constanza Vergara Buitrago

Psicóloga (Universidad Santo Tomás); Especialista en Psicología Clínica (Universidad Católica); Especialista en evaluación y diagnóstico neurológico (Universidad San Buenaventura); Magíster en Neuropsicología (Universidad San Buenaventura); Directora de Bienestar y Familia, Armada Nacional. Candidata a optar por el título de Especialista en Familia (Universidad Mariana)

Dubys Delith Olivero Luna

Psicóloga (Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD). Psico-orientadora del Centro Educativo San Juan Bautista, Sincelejo-Sucre. Candi-data a optar por el título de Especialista en Familia (Universidad Mariana)

Linda Mendoza López

Psicóloga (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia); Asistente de espacios amigables en Save the children. Candidata a optar por el título de Especialista en Familia (Universidad Mariana)

Luis Carlos Rosero García, Universidad Mariana

Psicólogo, Magíster en Etnoliteratura, Profesor Investigador de Psicología (Universidad Mariana). Integrante del Grupo de investigación Desarrollo Humano y Social, escalafón A en Colciencias


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How to Cite

Vergara Buitrago, A. C., Olivero Luna, D. D., Mendoza López, L., & Rosero García, L. C. (2020). A systematization of psychosocial experience in: Family care, family psychoeducation, support networks. Revista Biumar, 4(1), 178–189. https://doi.org/10.31948/BIUMAR4-1-art14


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