Systematization of the experience of the interdisciplinary team of the Family Police Station of the municipality of Bojayá - Chocó, in the application of the administrative process to restore the rights of a three-year-old girl


  • Francis Rentería Lemos
  • Jeremías Moreno Álvarez



systematization of experiences; situation of vulnerability; restoration of rights; timely institutional care


The research was developed in order to learn about the intervention, accompaniment and other actions carried out by the interdisciplinary team of the Bojayá Municipal Family Police Station in carrying out and / or applying a process administrative restoration of rights, based on Law 1098 of 2006, taking into account: What is an administrative process of restoration of rights?, What is the procedure to follow?, What should minimally contain the different administrative acts that can be dictated within the process?, What types of measures were applicable and which could be ordered?, the terms for each action or measure, among other elements of the family administrative process in favor of a girl in situation of abandonment, malnutrition and risk of death.

The experience was carried out through a single case study, which addressed the comprehensive violation of the rights of a three-year-old girl in the municipality of Bojayá. Document review and the interview were the appropriate information gathering tools used to capture first-hand the information related to the case, allowing researchers to carry out a detailed study of the documents that were part of the procedural acquits of the History of Attention opened for the restoration of the rights of the girl, the design and application of interviews to the extended family of the girl that was in a situation of abandonment.

The methodology used was based on the qualitative methodological paradigm, following an interpretative approach and its type was the systematization of experiences. The results allowed us to realize that the members of the Family Police Station acted in a timely manner, in accordance with the provisions of the Colombian legal system and always seeking the well-being and satisfaction of the rights and liberties of the girl.

Author Biographies

Francis Rentería Lemos

Abogado (Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó); candidato a optar por el título de Especialista en Familia (Universidad Mariana)

Jeremías Moreno Álvarez

Abogado (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia). Candidato a optar por el título de Especialista en Familia (Universidad Mariana)


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How to Cite

Rentería Lemos, F., & Moreno Álvarez, J. (2020). Systematization of the experience of the interdisciplinary team of the Family Police Station of the municipality of Bojayá - Chocó, in the application of the administrative process to restore the rights of a three-year-old girl. Revista Biumar, 4(1), 148–161.


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