Effectiveness and efficiency in the recruitment and personnel selection processes


  • Ángela Daniela Bolaños Cerón




personnel selection; process; effectiveness; efficiency


As the recruitment and selection processes are developed, the tendency to complicate them is presented as a consequence of the concern to guarantee an efficient and effective process, in addition to seeking scientific compliance with the greatest possible objectivity. The objective of this article is to analyze from a different perspective the reality of the company in terms of the process and its effectiveness, mainly at critical moments that arise from organizational growth. For this, the training practice process carried out in a micro-financial company allowed us to verify the exercise, finding that internal and external conditions influence the effectiveness of the selection process, which in turn generates consequences for it.

Author Biography

Ángela Daniela Bolaños Cerón

Estudiante de décimo semestre del programa de Psicología de la Universidad Mariana.


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How to Cite

Bolaños Cerón, Ángela D. (2020). Effectiveness and efficiency in the recruitment and personnel selection processes. Revista Biumar, 4(1), 134–146. https://doi.org/10.31948/BIUMAR4-1-art11


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