Systematization of professional experience in family intervention due to the breakdown of relational ties in a family with inadequate communication skills


  • Alirio Castillo Rojas



experience, interpretation, thought modification, assertiveness, process


The objective of this article is to share the process of therapeutic intervention carried out on a family that suffered difficulties due to mismanagement of their communication, due to changes in their family structure and dynamics that caused fractures in the interpersonal relationships of their members.

The process was carried out with the help of each one of its members who, from their particular experience of the situation and active participation in each of the programmed and developed activities, contributed to the understanding, reflection and modification of thoughts, attitudes and actions which meant that the four members of the family returned to the moment the intervention ended, as a large part of their family dynamics.

At the end of the therapeutic intervention, the family system was able to resume its integral dialogue dynamics and the conjugal system was strengthened by identifying emotions and feelings and the ideal way to express them, in addition to not confusing their dynamics as a couple, with that of being parents. In addition to this, the parental subsystem was strengthened in its knowledge as such and in the recovery and recognition of its parental authority. Finally, the fraternal subsystem was strengthened through the exercise of assertive communication as a means of knowing the other and understanding the needs, strengths and weaknesses of the other and their responsibility to provide well-being to their parents.


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How to Cite

Castillo Rojas, A. (2020). Systematization of professional experience in family intervention due to the breakdown of relational ties in a family with inadequate communication skills. Revista Biumar, 4(1), 84–100.


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