Systematization of the intervention carried out in a process of restoration of rights from the approach of interlegality developed by the Family Commission of Totoró and the Indigenous Cabildo of Novirao


  • Lorieth Yuleidy Almario Pechene
  • Lina María Bravo Guzmán



systematized experience, interlegality, victim, restoration of rights.


The present scientific article describes the systematization of experiences of a process of restoration of rights that the authorities - indigenous and ordinary - developed in favor of a woman in a condition of disability, community member of the indigenous cabildo of Novirao of the municipality of Totoró, Cauca, who allegedly she was a victim of intra-family sexual abuse.

This restoration process directly included the alleged victim, but because the situation occurred within the family system, the traditional and administrative authorities and professionals in the psychosocial area, through an interlegality process, determined that the family should get involved in the procedures and intervention actions, mainly to be accompanied and oriented.

Through the systematization process and thanks to the articulation of the indigenous and ordinary authority, it was possible to identify that the user continued with her life, ended her pregnancy and subsequently took care of the upbringing of her daughter, product of the alleged sexual abuse. Likewise, it was evidenced that although the family became destabilized upon knowing the alleged facts, through the accompaniment and psychosocial orientation, they recovered family balance and dynamics, addressing the family system in an integral way, covering the sociocultural aspect.

Author Biographies

Lorieth Yuleidy Almario Pechene

Trabajadora Social, Especialista en Familia

Lina María Bravo Guzmán

Psicóloga. Especialista en Familia.


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How to Cite

Almario Pechene, L. Y., & Bravo Guzmán, L. M. (2019). Systematization of the intervention carried out in a process of restoration of rights from the approach of interlegality developed by the Family Commission of Totoró and the Indigenous Cabildo of Novirao. Revista Biumar, 3(1), 36–49.


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