The other, the others



intersubjectivity, otherness, difference, education, decoloniality, subject, diversity


The research that gave rise to this article aims to “Understanding the horizons of intersubjectivity in current educational scenarios and future education focused on the human condition and agencied from decolonial practices,” the methodological approach suggests adopting analysis speaking from the perspective of Michel Foucault. In this approach, each cruise research was the need to rebuild the statements relating to the pedagogies of otherness and decolonial practices. In a second stage, a hermeneutical approach to interpret the meanings regime and the horizons of meaning derived from the declarative regularities found in discourse analysis and qualitative data collection was adopted. Without wishing to establish truths, as seeking modernity and Western scientific zeal, a distant intersubjectivity and close to colonialism school, which precludes the ideas of inclusion and attention to diversity is revealed, but granted the right to dream and preserve utopia.

Author Biography

Ricardo Esteban Jurado Eraso, Universidad Mariana

Magister en educación para la diversidad (Universidad de Manizales); Especialista en neuropsicología infantil (Universidad Javeriana); Psicólogo (Universidad Mariana); Docente Universidad Mariana (Pasto, Colombia


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How to Cite

Jurado Eraso, R. E. (2017). The other, the others. Revista Biumar, 1(1), 128–134. Retrieved from


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