The empty classroom


  • Wilson Hamlet Caicedo Martí­nez Universidad Mariana


Theater, collective creation, social function


This article refers to the research project: “Scenic memory of the theater groups of Nariño universities first decade of the 21st century”, which aims to make a descriptive study of the theatrical productions of university artistic groups in Nariño, in order to systematize or Inventory the university scene contributing to the aesthetic memory of the region.The general objective is to characterize the theatrical proposals of university art groups in the city of Pasto during the first decade of the XXI century, based on the analysis of their montages in relation to the social function of the work; The specific objectives drawn for the project in question are: to describe the themes that were the object of study in the stage proposals of the university theater groups of Nariño during the period mentioned in relation to repertoire, language and gender; Also, to analyze the processes of assembly of the works presented by the university groups in the period annotated against their social function; And also, to generate spaces for the reflection of theatrical practice in the university and its importance in the training of actors, actresses and audience attending the dramatic act.Methodologically speaking the research is ascribed to the research line Human Development and University Welfare, in the sub-line Art and Culture, under a qualitative paradigm, hermeneutical historical approach and descriptive typology.

Author Biography

Wilson Hamlet Caicedo Martí­nez, Universidad Mariana

Especialista en Pedagogía (Universidad Mariana), Licenciado en Arte dramático (Universidad del Valle), Psicólogo (Universidad de Nariño); Docente Universidad Mariana, Director Grupo de Teatro “Unicornio” U. Mariana


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How to Cite

Caicedo Martí­nez, W. H. (2017). The empty classroom. Revista Biumar, 1(1), 20–28. Retrieved from


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