About the Journal

The journal Excelsium Scientia: Revista Internacional de Investigación is aimed at the community of specialists, researchers, academics, authors and readers in the area of Health, both national and international. Excelsium Scientia: Revista Internacional de Investigación has a biannual periodicity and its function is oriented to the publication of original and unpublished articles resulting from research, as follows: research article, manuscript that presents, in detail, the original research results; it is structured as follows: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions; reflection article, manuscript that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources; review article, manuscript resulting from a completed research, which analyzes, systematizes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology, in order to account for progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.