Strengthening of the disciplinary knowledge of Natural Sciences in the Educational Institution Jorge Eliecer Gaitán of the municipality of Orito, Putumayo


  • Richard Edgardo Muñoz Erazo Institución Educativa Jorge Eliecer Gaitán
  • Emerson Arturo Suarez Buchelly Institución Educativa Jorge Eliecer Gaitán



teaching of natural sciences, content knowledge and science learning


The present work arose from the problem that was observed in the sixth-grade students of the Jorge Eliecer Gaitán Educational Institution, in the municipality of Orito, department of Putumayo, to assimilate the disciplinary knowledge of weight, mass, volume, and density, in the absence of a specialized classroom of natural sciences.

For many of them, the area of natural sciences is boring and irrelevant due to the methodology with which teachers teach their classes who, due to the little or no availability of equipment or tools, are limited to the theoretical foundation, without resources that allow the class to be active. Sixth-grade students have difficulties in assimilating concepts about weight, mass, volume, and density, negatively reflected in the topics corresponding to the subsequent grades of basic secondary and secondary education. In addition, there is no systematization of significant experiences in the educational institution for the teaching of the physical processes of the natural sciences; therefore, the general objective revolved around strengthening this conceptual knowledge, through learning based on natural science projects.

The specific objectives were: To identify, through a diagnostic test, the concepts handled by sixth-grade students, to describe the pedagogical practices implemented by natural science teachers for the teaching of these concepts, to design and carry out a physical methodological strategy to strengthen them, as an alternative to the absence of the laboratory in the educational institution and, evaluate the implementation of the methodological strategy to analyze the impact on them. Likewise, the problem question was posed, as follows: Do laboratory practices with materials of daily life allow strengthening the conceptual knowledge of weight, mass, volume, and density in sixth-grade students? data with which the research was developed.

Author Biographies

Richard Edgardo Muñoz Erazo, Institución Educativa Jorge Eliecer Gaitán

Magíster en Pedagogía. Docente Institución Educativa Jorge Eliecer Gaitán.

Emerson Arturo Suarez Buchelly, Institución Educativa Jorge Eliecer Gaitán

Magíster en Pedagogía. Docente Institución Educativa Jorge Eliecer Gaitán.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Erazo, R. E., & Suarez Buchelly, E. A. (2022). Strengthening of the disciplinary knowledge of Natural Sciences in the Educational Institution Jorge Eliecer Gaitán of the municipality of Orito, Putumayo. Revista Criterios, 29(2), 89–110.


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