The Popular Aesthetics and The Historical Revisionism


  • Orlando Morillo Santacruz Universidad de Nariño


Culture, evolution, language, social order, word, progress, utopia


The current concept of progress takes a connotation of destruction; people have lost their autonomy, the poverty has increased, conflicts are different now and they have grown demonstrating imbalances to any level.

Society nowadays produces worship to the innovation and to the consumerism. It is time to change the speech and do an analysis of the past. The problematic of the truth must be opened for other languages, including the non-rational ones, since the knowledge is multiple.

Sciences, art, religion, are a language and they should turn into the most important representation of a culture, which cannot be imposed on other one, since it implies its death.

Author Biography

Orlando Morillo Santacruz, Universidad de Nariño

Doctor en Historia del Arte, Universidad de Barcelona. Ex Decano Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia. Artista.


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How to Cite

Morillo Santacruz, O. (2019). The Popular Aesthetics and The Historical Revisionism. Revista Criterios, (1), 44–56. Retrieved from


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