Listen to the Voice The Epic Charter Werfel. Heroes in Clay of Glass


  • Alicia Saliva Domingo Universidad Católica de Santa Fe


Franz Werfel, Expressionism, Listen to the voice, Bible and Literature, Jeremiah, Historical Novel, Heroes – Antiheroes, Spirit and Matter


Unique presence of Franz Werfel in the German literary world of the early twentieth century, who with his fiction and essays interrogates and questions the materialist and progressive superiority of his time. We note the novelty of his choice and construction of his characters, figures with little merit in the eyes of the world, but that however carry a magnificent meaning. One example is prophet Jeremiah, protagonist of “Listen to the Voice”, who in his apparent insignificance received a call that made him the man who would challenge the most powerful kings of Israel. The work is a marvel of biblical evocation and creation of vivid characters, dramatic and contradictory, not subject to the ordinary laws of success.

Author Biography

Alicia Saliva Domingo, Universidad Católica de Santa Fe

Docente Investigadora, Universidad ESEADE, Buenos Aires, Argentina Docente Investigadora, Universidad Católica de Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina


Gullón, R. “Sobre Franz Werfel”, en Literatura, Alicante, núm. 5-6 (septiembre-diciembre 1934), pp. 199-214.

Grenzman, W. Fe y creación literaria: problemas y figuras de la actual literatura alemana, Madrid, Ediciones Rialp, 1961, p. 249.

Mahler-Werfel, A. Mi vida. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1997, p. 98.

Wagener, Hans. Undesrstanding Franz Werfel. Carolina: University of South Carolina, 1993, p. 1.

Werfel, F. El crepúsculo de un mundo. Barcelona: Luis de Caralt editor, 1951, p. 10.

Werfel, F. Los que no nacieron. Madrid: Círculo de Lectores, 1993, p. 95.

Werfel, F. La canción de Bernardette. Madrid: Ediciones Palabra, 2006, p.8.

Werfel, F. Theologumena, 1944, p. 251.

How to Cite

Saliva Domingo, A. (2012). Listen to the Voice The Epic Charter Werfel. Heroes in Clay of Glass. Revista Criterios, (1), 23–36. Retrieved from


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