Pedagogical model in the Educational Institution Dos Rios, Galindez, Cauca department, Colombia


  • Jenny Elizabeth Martínez Tupáz Centro Educativo Municipal El Campanero
  • Nyla del Rosario Rosero Quintaz


assessment strategies, educational practice, pedagogical models


This research is developed in the Educational Institution Dos Ríos in Galindez (Patía, Cauca department, Colombia), with the objective of characterizing the pedagogical model or models in the school, bearing in mind the educative practice of its teachers. In order to accomplish the main objective, the qualitative paradigm is used, taking an interpretative methodological design, with an intentional non-probabilistic sample of the teachers of: Spanish, Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the elementary school grades.
Instruments such as class observation and document review of students’ notebooks and assessments, as a reflection of the teachers’ practice, were used. The information obtained shows that principles, theories, strategies
and ways of evaluating which predominantly orientate the educational practice of teachers are proper to the traditional and behavioral models.

Author Biographies

Jenny Elizabeth Martínez Tupáz, Centro Educativo Municipal El Campanero

Licenciada en Ingles - Francés; Magíster e Pedagogía. Docente del Centro Educativo Municipal El Campanero, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño Colombia.

Nyla del Rosario Rosero Quintaz

Licenciada en Ingles - Francés; Magíster en Pedagogía. Docente de la Institución Educativa Agropecuaria La Fonda, Patía, Cauca, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Martínez Tupáz, J. E., & Rosero Quintaz, N. del R. (2019). Pedagogical model in the Educational Institution Dos Rios, Galindez, Cauca department, Colombia. Revista Criterios, 22(1), 67–75. Retrieved from


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