Perspectives on the study of conflict: macrostructural and microstructural aspects from transdisciplinary


  • David González Fundación Universitaria Cervantina San Agustín
  • John Solórzano Fundación Universitaria Cervantina San Agustín


aggression, conflict, macrostructure of the conflict, microstructure of the conflict, conflict resolution


The conflict, investigated from different perspectives, is an issue of great importance for the social and community life of human beings. The present document exposes many aspects considered in the study of the conflict from diverse disciplines, such as Psychology, Anthropology and Biology, analyzing
its characteristics at the macroestructural and microstructural levels. It is concluded that there are common aspects to the various perspectives from which it has been studied, and that a transdisciplinary perspective, such as the one proposed from the theory of conflicts by Galtung, is appropriate to make a better understanding and management of conflicts.

Author Biographies

David González, Fundación Universitaria Cervantina San Agustín

Psicólogo; Candidato a Magíster en Psicología. Docente Investigador Fundación Universitaria Cervantina
San Agustín, Bogotá, Colombia.

John Solórzano, Fundación Universitaria Cervantina San Agustín

Psicólogo; Especialista y Candidato a Magíster en Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación. Docente
Investigador, Fundación Universitaria Cervantina San Agustín, Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

González, D., & Solórzano, J. (2016). Perspectives on the study of conflict: macrostructural and microstructural aspects from transdisciplinary. Revista Criterios, 23(1), 311–333. Retrieved from


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