Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic review
Revista Criterios - 30 (1) January-Juny 2023 Rev. Criterios - pp. 82-91
ISSN: 0121-8670, ISSN Electrónico: 2256-1161
Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Soa Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
Principal Author. Neurorehabilitation Specialist, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales. Teacher at Universidad Mariana, Nariño, Colombia.
Specialist in Physical Therapy Intervention in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales; Master in
Epidemiology, Universidad CES de Medellín. Teacher at Universidad Mariana, Nariño, Colombia. Member of the CINESIA group.
Physiotherapist. Nariño, Colombia.
Physiotherapist. Nariño, Colombia.
Physiotherapist. Nariño, Colombia
Postural control and body awareness in
mental disorders. Topic review
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Sofía Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
To reference this article / Cómo citar este artículo / Para citar
este artigo: Escobar-Insuasti, M. V., Eraso-Angulo, R. H., Piedrahita-
Calderón, V., Arévalo-Carrillo, K. S., & Inca-Rodríguez, L. N. (2023).
Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic
review. Revista Criterios, 30(1), 82-91.
Reception date: April 25, 2022
Review date: May 27, 2022
Approval date: June 28, 2022
generates alterations in the control of movement and corporal conscience from
the lived, perceived, and represented body. Mental functions are recognized as
essential pillars for the development of the human motor system. Objective:
To evidence the relationship that exists between postural control alterations
and body awareness with mental pathologies, described from Physiology
          
 Materials and methods: a review of the literature
from the search for information related to terms in Spanish and English.
Results:         
exposed information allowed us to describe the altered physiological processes
in the central nervous system, mental disorders, body awareness, involvement
of psychopharmacology, and considerations regarding the theories on the mind-
body relationship. Conclusions: Although the literature recognizes the body-
mind duality, its importance within human body movement, and the alterations
Keywords: Mental health; postural balance; mental disorders; proprioception
and interoception.
Keywords: mental health, postural balance, mental disorders, proprioception, interoception.
Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic review
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Soa Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
Revista Criterios - 30 (1) January-Juny 2023 Rev. Criterios - pp. 82-91
ISSN: 0121-8670, ISSN Electrónico: 2256-1161
Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.
Postural control and body awareness in
mental disorders. Topic review
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Sofía Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
To reference this article / Cómo citar este artículo / Para citar
este artigo: Escobar-Insuasti, M. V., Eraso-Angulo, R. H., Piedrahita-
Calderón, V., Arévalo-Carrillo, K. S., & Inca-Rodríguez, L. N. (2023).
Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic
review. Revista Criterios, 30(1), 82-91.
Reception date: April 25, 2022
Review date: May 27, 2022
Approval date: June 28, 2022
generates alterations in the control of movement and corporal conscience from
the lived, perceived, and represented body. Mental functions are recognized as
essential pillars for the development of the human motor system. Objective:
To evidence the relationship that exists between postural control alterations
and body awareness with mental pathologies, described from Physiology
          
 Materials and methods: a review of the literature
from the search for information related to terms in Spanish and English.
Results:         
exposed information allowed us to describe the altered physiological processes
in the central nervous system, mental disorders, body awareness, involvement
of psychopharmacology, and considerations regarding the theories on the mind-
body relationship. Conclusions: Although the literature recognizes the body-
mind duality, its importance within human body movement, and the alterations
Keywords: Mental health; postural balance; mental disorders; proprioception
and interoception.
Keywords: mental health, postural balance, mental disorders, proprioception, interoception.
El control postural y la conciencia corporal
en los trastornos mentales. Revisión de tema
La afectación de las funciones mentales superiores como consecuencia de trastornos
mentales, genera alteraciones en el control del movimiento y la conciencia
corporal, desde el cuerpo vivido, percibido y representado. Las funciones mentales
son reconocidas como pilares esenciales para el desarrollo del sistema motor en
el humano. Objetivo: Evidenciar la 
control postural y la conciencia corporal con patologías mentales, descritas desde
la Fisiología y la Farmacología y, las secuelas dentro del movimiento corporal
Materiales y métodos: revisión
en español e inglés. Resultados: se seleccionó doce artículos en diferentes revistas
alterados en el sistema nervioso central, los trastornos mentales, la conciencia
corporal, la implicación de la psicofarmacología y las consideraciones frente a las
teorías sobre la relación mente-cuerpo. Conclusiones: la literatura reconoce la
dualidad cuerpo-mente, su importancia dentro del movimiento corporal humano
motora y el control postural; sin embargo, es necesaria una mayor investigación
Palabras clave:      
propiocepción e interocepción.
Controle postural e consciência corporal em
transtornos mentais. Revisão de tópico
A afetação das funções mentais superiores em decorrência dos transtornos
mentais gera alterações no controle do movimento e na consciência corporal,
a partir do corpo vivido, percebido e representado. As funções mentais são
reconhecidas como pilares essenciais para o desenvolvimento do sistema motor
em seres humanos. Objetivo: Evidenciar a relação existente entre as alterações
do controle postural e da consciência corporal com as patologias mentais,
Materiais e métodos:
revisão da literatura a partir da busca de informações relacionadas a termos em
espanhol e inglês. Resultados: doze artigos em diferentes periódicos acadêmicos
foram selecionados; as informações expostas permitiram descrever os processos
corporal, envolvimento da psicofarmacologia e considerações face às teorias
sobre a relação mente-corpo. Conclusões: embora a literatura reconheça a
Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic review
Revista Criterios - 30 (1) January-Juny 2023 Rev. Criterios - pp. 82-91
ISSN: 0121-8670, ISSN Electrónico: 2256-1161
Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Soa Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
dualidade corpo-mente, sua importância no movimento do corpo humano e as
Palavras-chave      
propriocepção e interocepção.
Postural control is an essential element of
     
to develop, both activities of daily living (ADL)
union of several systems that facilitate the
control of voluntary movement, as argued by
Duclos et al. (2017).
Thus, in the face of evidence of alterations in the
central nervous system (CNS), such as mental
health disorders, mainly caused by impairment
of higher mental functions (HMF), executive
    
processes, which are associated with severe
impairments in individual functioning and in the
context (Carrasco et al., 2015), it constitutes an
accumulation of factors that produce functional
neuromuscular level in all aspects covered by
postural control, as stated by Burbano et al.
(2016), since “they are closely related aspects
nervous system are involved in it” (p. 83).
and, therefore, of the neurological system,
alterations in movement control and posture
maintenance are generated, because any
functions such as attention and memory (Cano
de la Cuerda et al., 2016), has repercussions
on the anticipatory or adaptive responses to
movement, causing changes in sensory-motor
movement, to possible intrinsic and extrinsic
demands and, from this, changes are made
in motor control, in the way of adapting to
movement and in how to be aware of it, starting
from body recognition to the motor act as the
ultimate goal.
Thus, it is intended to understand how the
lived, perceived, and represented body is a
fundamental pillar for the development of the
motor system in the human being and, even
more, to obtain the consciousness of it, “because
to its environment” (García, 2018, p. 305)
since, despite the fact that its consolidation
      
as psychiatric alterations and, it is there where
the functional level of the nervous system, which
   
and that further compromise the processing of
movement information.
All this, combined with the possible adverse
      
consumption of psychotropic drugs within the
motor system, indicated as extrapyramidal
      
lead to poor control of movement in the user
with psychiatric pathology (Carrière et al.,
2015), added to alterations in postural control,
inherent in the development or evolution of
these pathologies and, with it, limiting physical
health, such as deconditioning, immobility,
functional limitation that, glimpsed from the
biopsychosocial approach, are summarized in
situations of disability (Hartford et al., 2017).
Hence, mental disorders, in addition to being
neurodegenerative diseases, are a priority public
health problem because, in addition to having
important comorbidity, “due to their chronicity,
they generate high levels of disability as a
postural control” (Beauchamp et al., 2016, p.
16), as broad, basic and essential components
for the development of the intentional motor
summarized in a single word: functionality.
Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic review
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Soa Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
Revista Criterios - 30 (1) January-Juny 2023 Rev. Criterios - pp. 82-91
ISSN: 0121-8670, ISSN Electrónico: 2256-1161
Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.
            
between 2016 and 2020. The databases used were: PubMed, Scielo, PEDro, and Scopus. For
were used. The following English terms were used for the review: mental health, postural balance,
         
reviewed to identify relevant studies within the topic and a second review was to assess whether
made to initiate the thematic discussion (Figure 1).
Selection of studies - inclusion criteria: studies published in English and Spanish, descriptive
studies, case studies or systematic reviews on populations with mental disorders and assessments
of their postural control and/or, randomized controlled trials (RCT) that compared pre- and post-
intervention values, studies that included evaluations or interventions in adult users with mental
disorders institutionalized or in the community. The following were excluded: articles without full
text and research on users with psychoactive substance use.
Figure 1
Item selection owchart
Postural control and mental disorders
Understanding that the control of movement and the consciousness of the body itself, from the
experience, perception, and representation is one of the most complex aspects in the human being
highlighted for many years and until today by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2004), as
Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic review
Revista Criterios - 30 (1) January-Juny 2023 Rev. Criterios - pp. 82-91
ISSN: 0121-8670, ISSN Electrónico: 2256-1161
Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Soa Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
From this point, it is necessary to identify, initially,
the importance of postural control, understood
as the ability to be able to control the position
of the body in space, determined by a complex
    
neurological systems (Cano de la Cuerda et al.,
2016) and, which aims to connect the relationship
   
so that the human being moves with a goal
       
To achieve this optimal relationship, HFM, and
psychological and behavioral processes have
been highlighted as fundamental physiological
aspects, due to the superior control exerted by
the CNS to be able to generate controlled and
voluntary movement.
Psychiatric Association (2014) as “syndromes
in the cognitive state, emotional regulation
      
dysfunction of the psychological, biological,
or developmental processes underlying his
mental function” (p. 216), are disorders
     
disability, so “it is evident the conceptual
relationship and the implications that this type
of pathologies generates in the human being,
from a psychosocial and integral component of
the individual” (Feldman et al., 2019, p. 3), as
       
role in his or her community.
Body movement and mental health
    
existing relationship between movement and
an individual’s mental health, as argued by
Lahousen and Kapfhammer (2018):
Any somatic or bodily activation related to
posttraumatic psychological or psychiatric
events is typically coupled with a perceptual
    
a predominant bodily focus that often
represents a catastrophic environment of
    
of systemic stress. (p. 479)
...therefore, it is understood that there is a direct
relationship between mental health alterations
and the body somatization processes that these
entail and, therefore, with the alteration of
superior control, changes in physical health, an
increase of comorbidities and disability due to
the minimum control of movement due to the
imbalance between aferences and eferences,
which imply functional disorganization of the CNS.
According to this approach, Martin et al. (2016)
     
       
movement, but also, they are considerably
       
they are two transversal elements that need
to be in balance to supply the functional needs
of the human being; moreover, it has been
as, for example, the so-called movement
     
of a psychotic nature, altering coordination,
     
Because of this type of motor aspects, motor
control becomes even more complex, as
evidenced in users with dementia, as in the
study by Toots et al. (2016): 83% of their
target population were people with Alzheimer’s
     
impairment. It has also been reported that
      
       
et al., 2020), thus corroborating the balanced
interaction that must exist in these processes,
for the achievement of optimal postural control
and movement that is possible to transfer to
everyday situations and ADLs.
Discriminating the evidence at the regional
level, the study by Burbano et al. (2016) sought
the existing relationship between mental
disorders and balance in neuropsychiatric
patients; 60% of the evaluated population
showed changes in aspects of static balance,
especially with the decrease in the base of
Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic review
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Soa Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
Revista Criterios - 30 (1) January-Juny 2023 Rev. Criterios - pp. 82-91
ISSN: 0121-8670, ISSN Electrónico: 2256-1161
Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.
and indicates that psychotic pathologies occur
with underlying neurological signs, due to the
damage of subcortical structures that cause
      
      
Kreitzer, 2016).
Mental disorders and movement control
In addition to this general context with
    
of the neuromuscular system are included
some sensory aspects that are determinant
for the execution of motor acts, such as, for
example, visual abilities, because it is a sense
and precision of motor responses, as stated by
South American authors such as Torales et al.
(2020) and Robles et al. (2010).
The presence of visual perceptual disturbances
of patients with schizophrenia, both in
their cognition and in their functioning in
    
relationships have been found between
abnormalities in motion perception and have
occurrence of aggravating psychotic symptoms
such as suicidal ideation” (Baldin et al., 2016,
p. 2). Thus, it is understood that the visual
neurotransmitters at the pathophysiological
level such as dopamine (Tregellas et al., 2019),
where the dysfunction of NMDA
and GABA
systems are also involved in schizophrenia,
are factors that, at the same time, modulate
visual processing and, therefore, generate
     
control of voluntary movement in relation to
temporary space perception, an important
element when generating protective reactions
to environmental stimuli and changes in any
of the biomechanical aspects necessary in the
maintenance of a posture.
In addition to these perceptual alterations or
     
the inability to perceive one’s own intracorporal
signals. Ardizzi et al. (2016) conducted a study
of these elements in users with schizophrenia
Gamma-aminobutyric acid
and named them as the interoception ability,
evaluating the possible association between
interoceptive accuracy against movement
and patients’ symptomatology through tests
verifying the perception of chest movement and
that these patients have a reduced sensitivity
to their internal body signals, indicating also,
      
    
2019), there is an impaired interoceptive
accuracy and, the more positive or psychotic
signs exist in a mental entity, the lesion will
progressively increase and, motor accuracy
due to the damage of cortical areas will be
To this sum of sensory and motor complications
is added the medical treatment for these
disorders, which increases and generates
      
posture, and, therefore, their control, since
     
intensity drugs, that act against the CNS control
using neurotransmitters such as dopamine
and acetylcholine (Domenech-Cebrían et al.,
2019), which, despite decreasing the signs of
involving functionality and body movement
(Martino et al., 2018). It is evidenced that,
the drugs used in patients with schizophrenia
     
 
extrapyramidal signs such as dystonia and
       
generation antipsychotics, which are more
used in clinical practice, generate relevant
an aspect that mitigates the possibilities of
obtaining optimal conditions of movement, due
to the obligatory nature of the medication for
treatment and, the maintenance of the users’
conditions at a psychic level.
       
the consolidation of theories that comment
that mind and body are one and, it is there
when corporeality is relevant within how and
why the individual moves; therefore, Cramer
et al. (2018) in their research on users with
chronic pain due to mental disorders conclude
that postural awareness is associated with the
intensity of the perception of stimuli, such as,
for example, the noxious sensation of pain that,
Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic review
Revista Criterios - 30 (1) January-Juny 2023 Rev. Criterios - pp. 82-91
ISSN: 0121-8670, ISSN Electrónico: 2256-1161
Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Soa Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
being negative, generates physical impairments
and has an impact on body image, validating that
“the perceived connection between mental and
 
of an individual’s plans or desires and their bodily
desires” (p. 109); despite this, the authors refer
to the existence of biases in their evaluation,
minimal tools themselves as professionals in
alterations in them (Carrière et al., 2015).
     
 
feel disconnected from their own body; this
mind and, therefore, it is necessary to determine
the levels of intracorporal attention, since
these elements allow inferring what the motor
response capacity is and what possibilities the
individual has to respond to emotional demands,
Under this scenario, it is necessary to understand
that the human being and its HFM create a
movement and that a container is necessary for
them, such as the ascending reticular activating
system (RAS), so that it activates the nervous
     
them, which suggests that a content or some
self-awareness and, as expressed by Martin et
the fragmentation of action and thought units,
generating the dis-automation of habitual bodily
     
processes” (Kogan et al., 2018, p. 297), which
are pillars for the “continuous motor and
sensory processing in higher areas and the
development of ADL and BDA achieved, in their
     
will allow the participation of the individual”
(Choperena et al., 2019, p. 4).
In addition to this, it is possible to understand
that the user with a psychiatric diagnosis,
      
     
for all individuals and that neurological
in the functioning of the CNS will allow the
      
     
    
real involvement in the control of voluntary
movement and corporeality, understood as the
relationship between movement, action, and
sensory perception.
Thus, it must be understood that a single unit,
        
movement, and all the systems involved in their
      
mobility, demonstrates many more aspects than
then, the consolidation and maintenance of
the lived, perceived, and represented body
      
control and an awareness of movement
that, although it has been consolidated since
and environmental processes, can be seen
    
such as falls, loss of balance and, of very
complex patterns in the human being such as
     
of view in the individual; its reorganization will
depend on exhaustive rehabilitation processes
that, ultimately, combine the cognitive and
daily life.
It is important to recognize the body-mind
from mental disorders, to understand that the
relationship with postural control goes beyond
physiological processes at the CNS level and
      
human body movement and its intentionality,
which broadens the spectrum of analysis of
these alterations, not only from Psychiatry
but also from the complementarity of other
disciplines such as Physiotherapy, which studies
these processes from a vision of movement and
opens the doors to a vital complement in the
treatment of motor alterations in this type of
users, something that, in essence, has reported
Postural control involves many motor
aspects commanded by the CNS, which are
which modify the dynamics of voluntary
movement and body control, generating
Postural control and body awareness in mental disorders. Topic review
Mayra Valeria Escobar Insuasti
Rosa Helena Eraso Angulo
Valentina Piedrahita Calderón
Karen Soa Arévalo Carrillo
Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
Revista Criterios - 30 (1) January-Juny 2023 Rev. Criterios - pp. 82-91
ISSN: 0121-8670, ISSN Electrónico: 2256-1161
Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.
complications in biomechanical aspects such as
the base of support, balance, the timing of the
the motor dysfunctions found in these patients.
To conclude, the user with a mental disorder, rather
than an individual with emotional and behavioral
disorders, represents an individual with deeper
movement disorders, such as body awareness,
due to the initial damage to the body schema
and body interoception, as important elements
in the represented body, which are based on
physiotherapeutic care; hence the importance
of being included in the rehabilitation team and
mental health care services.
Conicts of interest
The authors of this article declare that they have
American Psychiatric Association. (2014).
DSM-5. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (5
ed.). Editorial Médica
Ardizzi, M., Ambrosecchia, M., Buratta, L., Ferri,
F., Peciccia, M., Donnari, S., Mazzechi, C., &
Gallese, V. (2016). Interoception and positive
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Lizeth Natalia Inca Rodríguez
Revista Criterios - 30 (1) January-Juny 2023 Rev. Criterios - pp. 82-91
ISSN: 0121-8670, ISSN Electrónico: 2256-1161
Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.
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All authors participated in the preparation of
the manuscript, read and approved it.