Occupational Therapy Approach in a pediatric clinical case "Clinical reasoning"



The practical experience obtained by Occupational Therapy students has allowed to develop learning processes that put into practice the knowledge obtained in their training process, in order that the future occupational therapist identify the difficulties and problems faced by individuals ; hence the importance of educating not only in the disciplinary but in the integrality of the occupation, addressing the individual and its context. As teachers an effort is made to transform the teaching strategies, where the student manages to interact with the reality of the populations, where they apply conscious intervention processes and concrete activities that allow to reduce the barriers, and thus work with the potential of the individual in their usual environment.


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How to Cite

Canchala Obando, A. M., & Portilla Portilla, L. J. (2018). Occupational Therapy Approach in a pediatric clinical case "Clinical reasoning". Boletí­n Informativo CEI, 5(3), 44–47. Retrieved from https://revistas.umariana.edu.co/index.php/BoletinInformativoCEI/article/view/1747


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