Scientific sensibilization sessions in the "ESLUM" research training group



investigación, semillero de investigación, sensibilización


The “ESLUM” research training group, named after the first Pharmacist –Ester Luque Muños- of Mexican origin, is part of the Pharmaceutical Management Technology Program at Mariana University. In the year 2024, we continue with the mission of this group, holding awareness and motivation sessions with students in the first semesters of the Regência Tecnologia em Farmácia program at our institution. The objective of these sessions is to encourage and promote interest in scientific research among the program's students, as well as to publicize the mission and vision of the research training group “ESLUM”, of which they can be part of from the first semesters and where they can make their first approaches to search.

Author Biography

Eddy Patricia López Molano, Universidad Mariana

Profesora del Programa de Tecnología en Regencia de Farmacia, Universidad Mariana


León, F. (2018). Esther Luque: primera farmacéutica mexicana. Educación Química Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 21(2), 150-154.

How to Cite

López Molano, E. P. (2024). Scientific sensibilization sessions in the "ESLUM" research training group. Boletí­n Informativo CEI, 11(1), 134–135. Retrieved from


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