The VI Pan-American Day of Pharmacy



Pharmacy, pharmacotherapy


Within the framework of the VI Pan-American Day of Pharmacy, held at the University of Córdoba, Montería and the actions of different institutions present, the Pharmacy Regency program of the Mariana University, joins the effort with the objective of generating a space for reflection in the face of the various situations, challenges and challenges of the pharmaceutical system and the community. The continuous need to improve the use of medications and successful monitoring of the results of adequate pharmacotherapy leads academia to deepen the training of pharmacy personnel towards a service that focuses on the control of some biological parameters. which have a close relationship to the determination of cardiovascular risk, cholesterol, glucose, drug-food interaction, mental health and eliminating unhealthy habits or consumption of psychoactive substances, among others; Their relevance is highlighted as many of them are regulated by commerce, being a socially accepted consumption; This is why in the development of the VI Pan American Pharmacy Day, its agenda highlights the teamwork of pharmacy staff towards adequate pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, the importance of detecting problems related to medications to prevent and resolve situations that are negative and are associated with medication, thus addressing the patient's health problems.

Author Biography

María Constanza Pérez Basante, Universidad Mariana

Directora del Programa Regencia de Farmacia, Universidad Mariana


Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. (2012). Política Farmacéutica Nacional.

Pigretti, S. G., Isaac, C., Cea, C., Esnaola, M. M., Riveros, M., Tejada Jacob, V. y Romano, M. (2023). Farmacoterapia en rehabilitación temprana posterior al accidente cerebrovascular isquémico. Medicina (Buenos Aires), 83(3), 1-40

Scolari, M. J. (2023). Implementación de una herramienta estructurada para selección de pacientes clínicos con alta necesidad de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico exhaustivo. Revista de la OFIL, 33(1), 101-103.

How to Cite

María Constanza. (2024). The VI Pan-American Day of Pharmacy. Boletí­n Informativo CEI, 11(1), 85–86. Retrieved from


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