Citizen participation, an important activity within the activities that Nursing does



On September 23, 2018, COLDEPORTES, the Mayor's Office of the Municipality of Pasto, Municipal Secretary of Health, Dimension, Healthy Living and Non-Communicable Conditions, Mariana University and other institutions met at the carnival square commemorating the week of Habits and Styles Healthy lifestyle, space used to motivate the inhabitants of the city in the different practices of healthy lifestyles. On this day, professionals, teachers and students participated, who took blood pressure, weight, height, education on self-care and promotion and prevention measures were offered. Nursing students, once again, distinguished themselves by their creativity, responsibility and vocation in the activities they carry out, in this way, they managed to attract the attention of passers-by, who were an active part of this activity. For its part, COLDEPORTES conducted with great success the session of physical activity with aerobics and rumba therapy.


Ministerio del Interior. (2018). Ley Estatutaria de Participación Ciudadana. Recuperado de

How to Cite

Gallardo Solarte, K., Erazo Martinez, M. P., & Morales Chincha, M. (2018). Citizen participation, an important activity within the activities that Nursing does. Boletí­n Informativo CEI, 5(3), 57. Retrieved from


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