Immobilizer for penile cancer


  • Janneth Carina Bastidas Pantoja Tecnóloga en Radiodiagnóstico y Radioterapia Universidad Mariana
  • Luis Javier Narváez Narváez Magíster en Docencia Universitaria Universidad Mariana


This article aims to determine the technical specifications in the construction of an immobilization accessory to treat cancer of the penis during the external radiotherapy procedure, specifying properties such as: anatomical adjustment, reproducibility of the treatment, homogenization of the dose, limitation of movement in the treatment. In addition, the characteristic elements that constitute the immobilizer will be described: processing material and its dimensions. All for the benefit of achieving comfort, satisfaction, effectiveness and effectiveness in relation to the results for the benefit of the patient with this pathology.


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How to Cite

Bastidas Pantoja, J. C., & Narváez Narváez, L. J. (2018). Immobilizer for penile cancer. Boletí­n Informativo CEI, 5(3), 48–52. Retrieved from


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