The cost of a simple forgetting


  • Víctor Hugo Valencia Especialización en Gerencia Tributaria Universidad Mariana


Being the first hours of the morning of June 3, 2014, Mr. Rose, a well-known retailer from the municipality of Tumaco, was observing the sea from the door of his liquor store, when he received a sealed envelope, sent by the Directorate of Taxes and National Customs DIAN. Because of the fear infused by this Tax Administration, he sensed that the contents of the envelope could not be any good, disturbed because he would not understand what he was going to read, he did not know what to do. When seeing the reaction of Rose, Zoila his wife, who was in the counter of the store shouted to him: and because you do not call the son of the neighbor so that it watches what it says that, that disc he is accountant!


Código de Comercio [CC]. (1971). Decreto 410 de 1971. Recuperado de file:///C:/Users/UMARIANA/Downloads/Codigo%20Comercio%20(1).pdf

Presidencia de la República de Colombia. (1989). Decreto 624 de 1989. Recuperado de

How to Cite

Valencia, V. H. (2018). The cost of a simple forgetting. Boletí­n Informativo CEI, 5(3), 27–29. Retrieved from


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