The good practice of ethics and its relation to authorship and co-authorship in academic and scientific publications



The UNIMAR editorial of the Mariana University, as the entity in charge of the academic and scientific publications of the national and international university community, through editions and co-editions, ensures compliance and good application of the ethics policy in the different publishing projects. For the creation and execution of this policy, the guidelines on ethics and good editorial practices of the Ethics Committee for Publications (Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE) have been taken as reference, whose purpose is to guarantee good editorial practices, prevent inappropriate behaviors and promote the scientific quality.


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How to Cite

Vera Hernández, L. E. (2018). The good practice of ethics and its relation to authorship and co-authorship in academic and scientific publications. Boletí­n Informativo CEI, 5(3), 4–5. Retrieved from


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