Consolidation of a psychological care center from the Psychology laboratory of Mariana University


  • Karla Dayana Erazo Rosero Estudiante del Programa de Psicología Universidad Mariana
  • Juan Pablo Herrera Santacruz Asesor. Docente Programa de Psicología Universidad Mariana


This document is oriented to provide information regarding the consolidation process of a psychological care center, from the psychology laboratory, at the Mariana University, for which aspects such as: Resolution 00002003 of 2014 that establishes the procedures and conditions required to enable health-related services (Ministry of Health and Social Protection, 2014); In addition, for this process a feasibility study was carried out with the purpose of knowing the perspective of the business population of the city of San Juan de Pasto in front of the creation of a new psychological care center. A series of possible services was proposed that would be offered from the center, this by means of a format completed by the teachers of the psychology program of the Mariana University, which facilitated the choice of the same.


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How to Cite

Erazo Rosero, K. D., & Herrera Santacruz, J. P. (2018). Consolidation of a psychological care center from the Psychology laboratory of Mariana University. Boletí­n Informativo CEI, 5(2), 38–40. Retrieved from


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